
The world of secretary runs off of credits. You need to earn credits to cover rent and living expenses, as well as pay for clothing, food services and other things. Buying something with money you do not have will put you in debt and is a very brainless thing to do.

You can earn money in many ways:

  • Going to work - as a full-time secretary for your manager you earn money during the week based on hours worked and how well you discharge your duties

  • Hypnosis experiments - by helping your psychiatrist with her research and subjecting yourself to harmless hypnosis routines you can earn a bit of extra money as well as free therapy sessions.

  • The Usual Place - there is a gloryhole at the usual place... in the future there may be greater opportunities as well.

  • Maid Cafe - If you are cute enough you can get a part-time job as a waitress at the cafĂ© in the mall.

  • Help your landlord - you can help your landlord with cleaning to reduce your rent expenses and maybe even earn a bit of cash.

  • Shoot porn - you can get an ongoing income by staring in porn videos (NYI)