Cleaning Apartments

Apartment Maid Jobs


  • To work as a maid, the time has to be between 17:00 and 22:00 on any day. You also need to be wearing some kind of maid uniform.

<Step 1>

  • When in your foyer, make sure you meet the above requirements then choose [Go somewhere else in the apartment building]. Note that if you aren't wearing a maid uniform, Kurt will take you to his apartment and give you one if you still want to work

<Step 2>

  • There are two types of apartments you can randomly get when you choose to clean. Those being "event" apartments and "normal" apartments:

    • Event apartments

      • There are 4 event apartments and each has an escalating series of special sessions you can get as you complete the previous. The third session is what will be repeated after finishing it and getting that apartment again.

        • Theft apartment

          • First session: You can decide to pocket the money laying out or put it away. If you steal it you will get a call from Kurt and you can either confess or lie about stealing the money (to move to the next session you need to steal the money)

          • Second session: You again can decide to pocket the money or put it away. If you steal it you will be confronted by the owner who gives you a choice of cleaning for free or going to prison

            • When going to prison, it will play out different depending if you have the "get raped" fetish active. If it is active you can't back out of the gangbang, if it's not active you can just skip the gangbang

          • Third+ session: You will again be presented with the option to steal the money laying out or not. The choice that follows if you do steal is the same from session 2

        • Pervert apartment

          • First session: You can decide to put on a show or stay professional for the client. Putting on a show plays out different depending on your breast size. (Put on a show to move forward)

          • Second session: You get three options (one locked behind a couple stat levels)

            • Keep it professional

            • Flirt with the tenant again

            • Act like his wife

              • This one requires:

                • Sex obsession > 5

                • Feminization >= 15

                • Submission > 10

              • Once you choose to act like his wife you will have the option, after cleaning he'll ask if you could suck him off, this requires:

                • Oral > 7

              • To move to the next session you need to choose to act like his wife and suck him off in the end

          • Third+ session: You can again decide to act like his doting wife or if you're dominant enough, take charge of the situation

            • To fully complete the dominance path you will need:

              • Dominance > 5

              • Strength > 5

              • Martial Arts > 7

              • You can also take charge and skip the strength/martial arts checks if you have the "get raped" fetish disabled

        • Mistress apartment

          • First session: You arrive and clean the already clean looking apartment. The tenant will arrive after you finish and you can get special text if your submission is > 10

          • Second session: You arrive and this time while cleaning the tenant watches you closely. After finishing your work you will get the choice to either ask if there is anything else you could do or just accept your pay and leave. Ask if there's anything else to move on.

            • Asking if there is anything else you could do requires submission > 10

          • Third+ session: You arrive and drop to your knees in submission, you spend the evening being a sub to the new mistress

        • Dog apartment

          • First session: You arrive and start cleaning with the dog following close. You notice he's starting to drip pre on the floor, you can decide to get him off or continue cleaning. Choose to get him off to move on

          • Second session: After cleaning for a bit, Zeus will knock you to the floor and you have the option to let him have his way with you or get up before he can do anything. Choose to let him have his way with you to move on.

            • To let him have his way with you, you need to have already lost your anal virginity

          • Third+ session: You arrive and Zeus runs to you and you know you can't get any work done without attending to him first. You'll get three options:

            • [Get on all fours like a bitch]

              • You will get down and let him fuck you

            • [Get him off by hand]

              • You will get him off by hand

            • [Try to ignore him and just clean]

              • You will try and resist him and get another choice

                • [Surrender and be his bitch]

                  • He will proceed to make you his bitch

                • [Try to take back control of the situation]

                  • You try to get back in control and depending if you have the "get raped" fetish active, the scene will play out different

                  • Get raped = enabled: Zeus will break free and make you his bitch forcefully

                  • Get raped = disabled: You will lock Zeus in a room and get back to cleaning

        • Egg Apartment

          • First session: You'll be introduced to a new tenant and proceed to clean their apartment for the first time. This session will repeat until you get the tenants affection up by continuing to clean and talk with them.

          • Second session: Once their affection is more than 3, you'll get a new event where you'll find some panties while washing clothes. Confront the tenant over them to continue, note that choosing to throw the panties out will decrease the tenants affection.

            • NOTE: Finding the panties and confronting them will unlock the ability to clean their office, this will be a new repeatable event until you get affection up to above 7.

          • Third session: While cleaning, you'll notice the tenant is struggling with a boss in the game that they are playing. You'll get the option to help them with the fight to progress. Note that doing it for them will give you less affection than just teaching them.

          • Fourth session: Once the tenants affection is greater than 7, you'll get a new event while cleaning their office where you'll find a dress in their closet. Confront them about it and make sure to be nice to them to get the affection increase and move forward.

          • Fifth session: After confronting them over the dress, you'll get another new event where you can help them with makeup. While they continue to practice their makeup skills, you'll get to cleaning. Once finishing up with your cleaning and are about to leave the tenant will stop you and ask if you could give them a new girly name. This is where you can set a new name for them.

          • Sixth session: When arriving to the new tenants apartment they'll greet you at the door and then ask if you can teach them how to clean. You'll then instruct them on everything you know about cleaning.

          • Seventh session: You'll arrive and the tenant will talk about how they got hormones now from their doctor. They'll then ask for more advice on cleaning and you two will bond some more over more cleaning.

          • Eighth session: This session will repeat infinitely every time you randomly get the new tenants apartment. You two will spend the time cleaning together and bonding.

    • Normal apartments

      • Normal apartments you just head to and clean automatically, no special events happen in these. You just clean, get paid, then head home.