Gym MA Tournament

Signing up for the tournament

  • Once you get your blue belt in martial arts after finishing your promotion, see how to do that [HERE], you will notice an advert about a tournament. Choosing to examine it will lead you to finding out its a couples MA tournament and wonder if Bob would like to join you for it. You will then need to call Bob up to ask if he wants to enter with you, which he will. (Bob needs to still be good).

Take part in the tournament

  • On the day of the tournament, head to the gym and meet up with Bob. If you don't you will receive a call from Bob asking where you're at and you can then head to the gym. Once you meet with him and chat for a little you will start the tournament.

    • Round One

      • Your first opponent will be the gym bimbo. Either choice you make here will lead to your victory in round one.

    • Round Two

      • This round you will face the sexstore clerk and there are multiple ways you can pass this round:

        • Have [Martial Arts] > 15 OR [Strength] > 15

          • IF you meet either of these you will win the round and be able to go straight to the next round.

        • Have both above stats < 15 but [Dexterity] > 15

          • If you are below the two above stats (martial arts and strength) but your dexterity is high enough you will go into a tiebreaker round where you can win and head into the next round. You will lose if your [Dexterity] < 15 and will fail the tournament and head home.

    • Round Three

      • After Bob faces his opponent for this round you will have the choice on how you want to approach your opponent, not meeting either of these skill requirements will lose the round and you will need to do a tiebreaker.

        • Try to make is a wrestling match

          • To win with this option you will need [Martial Arts] > 18 AND [Strength] > 13

        • Keep it standing

          • To win with this option you will need [Martial Arts] > 15 AND [Dexterity] > 13

            • Round three tiebreaker if lose

              • If you end up not meeting the above stat requirements you will head into a tiebreaker where you'll have two different choices on how you want to approach it, winning will bring you into the next round.

              • Try and take things to the ground

                • Will need [Martial Arts] > 15 AND [Strength] > 13 to win

              • Follow after Bobs example and keep it standing

                • Will need [Martial Arts] > 18 AND [Dexterity] > 13 to win

    • Round Four

      • After Bob faces his opponent it will be your turn to face yours which is sister patience. You will then have a second to decide what your best action would be to win. The choices you get are as follows:

        • Her arms are off the table... how about a leg lock?

          • This will lead to you losing the round and you will then have to do a tiebreaker.

        • Without arms she's sure to have trouble defending chokes.

          • This will lead to you winning the round and going on to the final round

        • Keep it standing.

          • This will lead to you losing the round and you will then have to do a tiebreaker.

            • Tiebreaker round if you lose round four

              • To win the tiebreaker round you will need:

                • [Dominance] > [Submission] AND [Dominance] > 15

                  • OR

                • [Dominance] >= 20

    • Round Five (Final Round)

      • During Bobs fight in the final round, him and his opponent seem evenly evenly matched. If you meet the requirements you will be able to flash Bobs opponent to get him to win his match. (Need to do this to win the whole tournament). Below are the the stat requirements to flash his opponent:

        • [Humiliation] > 10 AND [Sex Obsession] > 10

          • OR

        • [Sex Obsession] > 15

          • OR

        • [Humiliation] > 15

      • After flashing Bobs opponent and him winning his match, you will then head into your match with the security guard. To win this round and the overall tournament you will need:

        • [Martial Arts] >= 19

        • [Stamina] > 15

        • [Strength] > 15

        • [Dexterity] > 15

      • If you meet all the above stat requirements you will win the overall couples tournament with Bob. whether you win or lose, you will be able to have sex with Bob after the tournament. If you win you can suggest he punish you for flashing his opponent and cheating.