
General Pink Pill Information

  • If you have "mandatory medication" enabled you will be forced to take the pink pill, you won't get a choice to stop taking it when you want

Receiving your first pill

  • On your first day of work, after you finish the day and head into Mrs. Antlers office, she will hand you a pink pill

  • You will be able to take this pill at any time after receiving it

    • To receive more pills after taking one, head into Mrs. Antlers office after work and talk to her about the pill

    • She will only give you so many pills at once unless you remove the RFID tracker

Obtaining more pills

<Remove the RFID tracker from Mk 1 pills>

  • When you're at home, click on the Mk 1 pill in your inventory and choose to examine it. You will notice the RFID tracker and take it out of the pill. This requires smarts > 10

<Steal the bottle of Mk 1 pills>

<Step 1>

  • Randomly on any work day you will get an event where Mrs. Antlers will tell you she has a meeting to attend. Choose to sneak into her office when she leaves.

<Step 2>

  • If you have gotten Mrs. Antlers office "unlocked" and are in stage 2 or greater, choose to explore her office, otherwise the office will be locked and you wont be able to proceed.

    • Note: Mrs. Antlers office will unlock once you have overdosed on the Mk 1 pill

<Step 3>

  • Once in her office, choose to search her desk. Swipe the bottle of pills and leave.


<Overdose on Mk 1 pills>

<Step 1>

  • When at home with more than one pill, take the first pill. When presented with the prompt to either take another pill or play it safe, take a second pill. If this is your first time overdosing, it will only take 2 pills.

<Step 2>

  • To overdose normally on Mk 1 pills again after your first overdose and get the OD status effect, you need to take one more pill than the previous overdose.

<Super overdose on Mk 1 pills>

<Bug way>

<Step 1>

  • Head to the Usual Place Bar and get either drunk or wasted.

<Step 2>

  • Once you're either drunk or wasted, head into the gloryhole. Once there get the OD status effect by taking multiple pills.

<Step 3>

  • Once you pass out, you'll wake up to Mrs. Antlers and Dr. Twig talking. Once Twig leaves you'll get chided by Mrs. Antlers then you will be able to go home.

<Normal way>

<Step 1>

  • Continue to overdose on Mk1 pills until you build up a tolerance to them.

<Step 2>

  • Once you've built up a tolerance, proceed to take more then 4 pills at once. You will then puke, proceed to then drink some alcohol after puking. After you do you will pass out.

<Step 3>

  • You'll then wake up to Dr. Twig and Mrs. Antlers talking. Once Twig leaves you'll get chided by Mrs. Antlers then you will be able to go home.

<Overdose on Mk 2 pills>

<Step 1>

  • Once you have super overdosed on Mk 1 pills, you will be given the Mk 2 pills by Dr. Twig.

<Step 2>

  • After taking your daily dose, decide to take a second Mk 2 pill. So long as your smarts is at or above 1, you will overdose on the Mk 2 pill.

    • Note: If you have less than 1 smarts and take a second Mk 2 pill, you will get a bad end.

Twig "forced" drug events


  • To start on the forced drug path, you need to be in stage 3 of the game and have the [Mandatory Medication] fetish active.

    • Go HERE for more information on how to get into stage 3

  • After you're in stage 3, the first day you show up to work Dr. Twig will show up and take you for a physical. On your next day of work he will show up again and inform Mrs. Antlers that your physical results show you may not follow your prescribed drug regime. You will then be forced to take your pills, if you don't you'll get scenes where they force you to take them.