
Chuck progression

<Step 1>

  • Water chuck each day until he breaks his planter and you need to get a new one.

<Step 2>

  • Head to the horticulturist to get a new pot for chuck and learn more about him. To get there, head to the mall and then visit the new option "Blooming Delight" towards the bottom of the screen. You can also buy a vial of plant food from the horticulturist that can be substituted for cum and milk if you don't produce them yourself.

<Step 3>

  • Once he's in his new pot and you have talked about him with the horticulturist, start to either cum on him daily or give him cum from the fridge if you have some saved.

<Step 4>

  • After you've started feeding him cum, start giving him milk either from yourself or the fridge.

<Step 5>

  • Keep feeding chuck in the various ways talked about above daily and wait for him to grow. So long as he's both watered and fed he will eventually grow.

    • Cum, milk, and piss count as "feeding" him

    • Water counts as "watering" him (who knew)

    • The vial of plant food counts as either cum (the first time) or milk (the second time)

  • There will be special events that happen when he "grows" from the first first feeding of cum, piss, and milk.

<Step 6>

  • Once you've fed him enough and enough time passes, he'll eventually reach his "final" stage, which will also have a special event.

Chuck's growth math


  • Feeding chuck cum will feed him based on your horniness

    • (Horniness at 80%, fed for 80 "points")

  • Feeding chuck cum from the fridge will always give 100 "points"


  • Feeding chuck milk from yourself is based on your supply

  • Feeding chuck milk from the fridge will always give 50 "points"

<Plant Food>

  • Feeding chuck the vial of plant food will always give 100 "points"

<Additional Notes>

  • If he has been watered, Chuck will convert "fed" points to growth at a rate of up to 50 points of "feeding" to 50 points of growth per day. To reach his full size, he needs 1000 points of total growth.

  • If Chuck has been fed cum or milk, he will generate 20 nectar per day (each)

  • If Chuck is pissed on, he will gain another 20 nectar for that day

    • This will make him more aggressive the next sex encounter you have with him

  • If you feed chuck the vial of plant food, he will also generate fruit/food at a slow rate

    • (~1 egg per 3 days)