Random Events

Apartment fire!

  • This event has random chance to occur after you meet the following requirements:

    • Are in Stage 3+ of the game

    • Are not doing sleep VR training for Primrose

  • If you meet the above requirements, randomly you can have this event trigger where you'll be woken up by a fire alarm. Before heading outside, you can decide to get dressed, go as you are, or wait it out. If you wait it out and are in a relationship with Kurt he will come for you and you'll get a scene where you can give him a kiss.

  • Once you are outside, you'll be approached by different people and get different events based on which shoe store testimonials you've done [casual, overly feminized, brainless bimbo, submissive, and humiliating]. After the fire alarm finishes, you'll head back into the building and go back to bed (with your pets if you have any).