Learn about HOTTIES from Alex

  • There are two ways to learn about HOTTIES from Alex depending on what you did during the prologue of the game.

    • Chose to blow Alex under her desk while she helped you

      • If you decided to blow Alex, at the end of your first lunch date with Alex she will bring up the game she plays called HOTTIES and asks for your game ID so you two can play together some time.

    • Chose to not blow Alex under her desk while she helped you

      • If you decided not to blow Alex, during a follow-up lunch date (not the first lunch date), choose to tell her how you identify. If you choose anything besides male she will tell you about HOTTIES afterwards and ask for you game ID so you two can play together some time.

Play HOTTIES for the first time (by yourself)

  • Any time while you are at home and have some spare time you can choose to play some games. In the list of games you should now have the option to play HOTTIES. When you choose to play the game for the first time you will get to choose the character you want to play as.

  • There are three classes you can choose from, note that there are stats tied to these classes and you will do better in games and gain more xp the higher those stats are. The three classes you can choose from are as follows:

    • Honour, the mech-piloting take-charge tank

      • To do well as this class and gain more xp, you will need higher dominance

    • Temperance, the versatile and nimble ninja

      • To do well as this class and gain more xp, you will need higher sex obsession

    • Chastity, the cute and devoted healer

      • To do well as this class and gain more xp, you will need higher submission

  • The higher your stats for each class, the more xp you will gain so if your stats are low (or if you have 0 of a stat) it might be really hard to level up a certain character.

  • Once you select your character, you'll play your first game which nothing much happens in.

Play HOTTIES with Alex for the first time

  • You will only be able to play with Alex on weekdays from 7pm or later. When you go to play HOTTIES you will notice she's online and she will ping you to see if you want to play together. You'll both get into a private lobby where you'll get to see each others avatars for the first time. Afterwards you'll head into your first game together where again nothing much happens, you'll get some different text based on if you gaming stat is greater than 3 or not, otherwise the game will end and you'll say your goodbyes.

Continued HOTTIES gaming with Alex

  • After your first gaming session with Alex you'll now be in the loop where you can repeatedly play the game with her until you unlock the ability to enhance your character (this will be explained in the next section). Each class has a different level of how hard it is to win, basically a virtual die will be thrown and if your gaming stat is above the number, you will win.

  • NOTE: These levels are for if you obey Alex during your gaming session, if you disobey her you will have to roll a higher sided die for each class.

    • Honour, the mech-piloting take-charge tank

      • A 12 sided die will be thrown (16 if you disobey Alex), your gaming stat needs to be higher than the thrown number to win. Having a gaming stat higher than 12 will guarantee victory (higher than 16 if you disobey Alex), otherwise it's just by chance.

    • Temperance, the versatile and nimble ninja

      • A 10 sided die will be thrown (14 if you disobey Alex), your gaming stat needs to be higher than the thrown number to win. Having a gaming stat higher than 10 will guarantee victory (higher than 14 if you disobey Alex), otherwise it's just by chance.

    • Chastity, the cute and devoted healer

      • A 8 sided die will be thrown (12 if you disobey Alex), your gaming stat needs to be higher than the thrown number to win. Having a gaming stat higher than 8 will guarantee victory (higher than 12 if you disobey Alex), otherwise it's just by chance.

Enhance your character to it's advanced version

  • NOTE: You can level up each class, you don't have to stick with just one. For Temperance you will be able to unlock both the melee and ranged advanced version. You have to stick to one class until you finish it's advancement trial before moving on to another character.

  • You will be able to unlock a trial quest to enhance your character to their advanced version after winning a certain amount of games with Alex. You will need to win 5 or more games to unlock this trial quest, you also need to obey Alex during your gaming sessions.

  • Once you meet that requirement you'll see a new option when booting up the game at home where you can attempt a single player trial to upgrade your avatar.

  • Each class with have their own way of making it through their trial which is outlined below:

    • Honour, the mech-piloting take-charge tank

      • To make it through your trial, choose to "Stand your ground and wait"

    • Temperance, the versatile and nimble ninja

      • To make it through your trial, choose to "Look for another way"

    • Chastity, the cute and devoted healer

      • To make it through your trial, choose to "Stay with your tank"

  • Once you make it through your trial, there is one final check to see if you overall pass or not. A 30 sided die will be thrown, your gaming stat + (.5 * your dexterity stat) needs to be greater than the number thrown by the die.

    • EXAMPLE: Let's say the virtual die is thrown and it lands on the number "20". Your stats are as follows:

      • Gaming = 10

      • Dexterity = 12

  • You will take your stats and plug them into the equation like this:

    • 10 + (.5 * 12) = 16

  • Since the virtual die landed on "20", it is not less than your "16" so you would fail your trail this time around.

  • When you finally do pass the trial for the character you're playing as, you get a special cutscene for that character. Do note that for the Temperance you will get to choose between a melee or a ranged weapon for your cutscene (only character that can change weapon). After finishing the cutscene event, the class you are currently playing as will be enhanced to its advanced version and you'll be able to do new events with Alex.

Rank up with your advanced character with Alex

  • There are two game modes you can rank up in for HOTTIES, comp and ranked. Each have different skill requirements and ceilings.

    • Comp queue

      • You will be able to rank up to level 5 in comp queue. To be able to rank up you need to pass a check of your gaming stat to see if it's higher than when you started that gaming session. Each time you play in comp queue, you will gain xp toward your gaming stat so once you level it up during a gaming session you'll get a rank up. You will be able to rank up this way until you reach rank 5.

      • EXAMPLE: Let's say you start the gaming session with your gaming stat at "12". During the session you gain xp and level up your gaming stat to "13". You will then be able to go to the next rank up so long as you aren't rank 5 yet.

    • Ranked queue

      • You will be able to rank up to level 6 in ranked queue (without trying out the tournament). To be able to rank up you need to pass a check of your gaming stat to see if it's higher than a calculated number. Unlike in comp queue, this number can't be seen so you can't really compare it to your gaming stat. Basically the higher your gaming stat and the lower your rank, the better chance you'll have for ranking up.

Compete in the tournament with Alex

  • After you reach rank 4 or higher, you'll be able to take part in the tournament.

  • For this special event, Alex will come over to your place so you both can prepare for the big tournament. You both will change into outfits to better get into character, choosing not to change will cancel the event for that day and it can be done again whenever you choose to.

  • Round 1

    • In the first round you will face a gauntlet of other teams with Alex. To move on to the next stage, you will have to accumulate 7 or more wins. Wins are based on this this calculation:

      • gaming stat - 12 = # of wins

      • So for this, you will need a gaming stat of 19 or 20 to get the 7 or more wins needed to move on to the next stage

    • If you get the amount of wins needed to move on, Alex will suggest having some fun stress reducing activities before the final round.

  • Tournament break

    • During the break, you can either choose to have sex with Alex, Cuddle, or quit out now and try again some other time. If you decide to call it there, you'll help Alex get changed, pack up, and say your goodbyes.

  • Final round

    • For the final round of the tournament you'll face the defending goddesses. To win this final battle and reach the max gaming level, you need your gaming stat >= 19. If you meet that requirement, you'll make it through the battle on top and win the tournament getting you the max gaming stat and the highest rank in HOTTIES.