Kurt Walkthrough

Offer to clean Kurt's apartment for the first time


  • While Kurt will offer for you to clean his apartment when he collects first rent, he will not be home/available for such until stage 2+

<Step 1>

  • On any Sunday (in Stage 2+), head to Kurt's apartment and offer to clean it for a rent decrease.

<Step 2>

  • Once inside, you start cleaning and are presented with two options:

    • [Just do the basics]

      • You will spend 4 hours cleaning his apartment normally, after finishing you leave and receive your rent reduction

    • [Setting in for the day and do a thorough cleaning]

      • You will spend 10 hours cleaning his apartment in it's entirely, move to next step

  • If you have unlocked fem_style Female, and Kurt has seen you dressed in a feminine manner previously, Kurt will return and express his awe. If you were not wearing a maid uniform while cleaning, you will receive one from Kurt. Kurt will then give you an offer to work as a maid at the apartment complex.

Seduce Kurt

<Step 1>

  • Head to Kurt's apartment on Sunday morning and offer to clean it, choose to clean it thoroughly. After finishing with the cleaning, if your oral skill is >= 5, you will get the option to [Seduce him], choose this to move forward

<Step 2>

  • You'll now attempt to seduce him. To successfully seduce Kurt, you need to have his affection toward you >= 7

    • Note: To raise your affection toward Kurt, clean his apartment, his affection starts from 1.

      • Cleaning normally = +1 affection

      • Cleaning thoroughly = +2 affection

      • Running into him while working at the maid cafe = +1 affection

      • Work for him as a maid and be dressed as a maid beforehand = +1 affection

<Step 3>

  • After successfully seducing Kurt and "making a mess," you get in the shower and invite him in, choose [Time to get clean...] to move forward

<Step 4>

  • After showering, you both step out and say your goodbyes. You can then head [Home]

    • Note: This is the current end to the Kurt seduction, more to come in the future

First date with Kurt

  • GENERAL DATE NOTE: You will be able to repeat any of the three dates via a phone call to Kurt. This is if you either want to do them again, or if you missed one.

  • A week or so after you've successfully seduced Kurt, he will randomly invite you to a date as you are heading home. You will be able to accept or decline his invite. The first date will happen at his apartment.

Second date with Kurt

  • After your first date with Kurt, to go on another one with him you'll have to call him this time. when you do, you will be able to invite him on another date, and this time push him to go to an actual restaurant.

Final date with Kurt

  • For the final date, you need to call up Kurt and ask about spending the weekend together at the cabin you learned about in the second date. During this weekend, you'll spend time as his personal maid.