

<Sissy doll makeup>

  • To unlock the ability to get the "dollification" scene where you learn how to apply the doll makeup, you will need to meet a couple requirements:

    • Failed lunch makeup check with Mrs. Antlers >= 4 times

    • Game stage >= 4

    • Lost your virginity

      • Losing it with normal anal sex

      • Counted pegging as anal sex

      • If you have a vagina, you need to have lost that virginity as well

  • After meeting these, you'll get the dollification event where you'll learn how to apply that kind of makeup.

<Sissy doll makeup alternate>

  • When working a bimbo shift at work there will be a requirement check to see if the makeup event will be added. The requirements are as follows:

    • In stage 4

    • have not unlocked the sissy doll makeup yet

    • has lost your virginity (anal or vaginal)

  • Once you meet these, the alternate makeup unlock event will be able to trigger on another day of work (not on a Friday).

  • Randomly a week later after working a bimbo shift, Mrs. Antlers will get a visitor and ask them to take you on their next shift. After talking, you will be taken away by them for what's to come. You'll then get changed and get the doll makeup applied (which you then learn how to apply it yourself) and set off to work a shift as a sexdoll. After working the shift, you'll be able to resume your normal afternoon work.