Tips and tricks

Welcome to the world of Secretary! The year is 2033 and the world has gone in a very cyberpunk (and very horny) direction. You play an unusually curvy guy going through a difficult time in his life. A time of great ...changes.

If this is your first erotic adventure game, be prepared for a fun, funny and arousing experience. Be patient, even if it takes a while to find all the sexual exploits, it's a big world! If you get stuck, you may need to fuck someone else first, change your clothes, or find and use a new object. Stick with it and use your imagination... you will eventually become the secretary you were always meant to be!

The Character Window

The character window on the sidebar holds the most pressing information you need to interact with the world.

  • The time and date - Most events in Secretary are only available at certain times, so be sure to pay attention to the time and don't be late to work, which is one of the only ways to "fail" the game.

  • Your character portrait shows what you currently look like and what you're wearing. Many interactions will change based on this, and your character won't go out in public wearing something they're uncomfortable with, so if you get stuck, check your appearance, or try something new. The Inventory and Stats pages will give some more information on your cleanliness and what's visible or hidden.

  • The stat bars below show your current state. Fatigue will go up during the day, and more as you work or engage in other... more strenuous activities. Also if you drink alcohol. Once you're too tired, you won't be able to do anything but sleep, and some interactions will require you to be well-rested.

  • Horny is exactly what it sounds like, but note that over 50% and you'll have a visible erection. Unless there's some way to keep it contained...

  • Stress is bad! It's also not fully implemented yet, so don't stress about it too much. ;)

  • The boxes below stress are Willpower points, which you earn by standing up for yourself and spend to resist things you don't like or muster the courage to do things that make you uncomfortable. Maximum willpower is based on your stats, plus a bonus for certain events.

  • Your Credits are how much cash you have. The game will allow you to go into debt, currently money doesn't matter too much, but it will soon. Your job pays you every Thursday after work, and you'll find other opportunities to make some cash on the side out in the world.

Skills and Abilities

If you've played other computer games, you're probably familiar with the idea of skills and powers that you get access to by gaining Experience Points (XP). In Secretary, instead of fireballs and magic missiles, your skills unlock the ability to read a contract, apply makeup correctly or go into the women's section of clothing stores.

Remember, practice makes perfect! You can raise your skills by doing actions related to those skills. Practice has limits though, so doing the same tasks will bring diminishing XP returns as they become easier, and eventually you'll hit a max threshold.

Every skill goes from levels 0-20, and initially your character will have a max level they can get through practice. No matter how good you are at walking in heels, sometimes you need some encouragement (or higher heels!) to break through a plateau and start learning to wear them out on the cobblestones! So keep an eye out for events that can help raise your max threshold if you're trying to expand your horizons.

The Inventory Window

Clicking Inventory on the top menu will show you what you're carrying and what you're wearing. You can carry as many items as you want, with a few exceptions. To change clothes or use an item, you can just drag it from the Carried Items window to the Worn Items window.

You can also click on items you're carrying to get more details, or to use those items when possible. Consumable items like business cards will be removed from your inventory when you use them.

To save an outfit, click Add New Set or Change on an existing set to save what you're currently wearing. Clicking the name of a set will change your outfit as long as you're holding the appropriate items.

You'll also sometimes see your character's thoughts about an item underneath the Carried Items window. Look here if you're having any problems, as your character won't be comfortable changing clothes just anywhere!


Click here to see more information about people you've met. Not yet implemented!

The Phone

You aren't alone in the world! Call your friends or coworkers from your phone, though they may not always answer. To put a new number in your phone, use a business card from your inventory.

The Status Window

Clicking Status will show you a list of all your current skills, abilities, and fetishes (if you have them). Click on one to see more information. The max threshold for each is listed. If your max threshold is less than 20, you need to raise it by completing events in the world.

Below the stats will be a short summary of your outward appearance, specifically anything that would affect your perception at work.


Clicking tasks in the top menu will bring you to a screen showing things you need to do, including your requirements for showing up at work.

Tasks that have been completed will show up below a line, while uncompleted and recurring tasks will stay at the top. The first date on a task is when it was received, the date below it is when it needs to be completed.

Work related data

At the office, you can click "Check work related data " to view information about how your current week and overall progress as a probationary secretary is going.

Vacation days left doesn't really affect gameplay, no rest for secretaries!

Weekly payment is your base salary, paid on Thursday after work. Your actual pay will depend on your performance.

Hours worked is how long you've been at your desk, while work completed will vary depending on how hard you work while you're there.

Probation remaining is how many days you have left in your probationary period. Make sure you've proven yourself to be a good employee before this runs out!

Warning! Spoilers ahead: Advanced tips and tricks