Welcome to Social Interaction Services Syndicate LTD!

Getting Started at SISS

If you're new to Social Interaction Services Syndicate LTD, there are just a few things you need to know to get started.

As a Sissy (an affectionate term for employees of SISS), you'll encounter a wide variety of people and situations among our many subdivisions, subsidiaries, and subordinates. Most of these will be fun and exciting new experiences for an employee coming from a smaller organization, but some may make you uncomfortable. For this reason it's important to not miss your initial evaluation with your SISS-provided psychologist (usually scheduled the Friday of your first work week). Your therapist will ensure that you're a good fit for the position, and address any concerns you may have about the position (or any other position!). 

All new employees are started on a probationary period to ensure they're a good fit before becoming a permanent fixture in the organization. Don't worry! SISS knows that good talent is hard to find, so you don't need to worry about being fired for anything short of failure to show up to work (though be warned that a lack of focus shown towards your current position may result in re-purposing to a different job). As long as you keep showing up at work, our managers will figure out how to whip you into shape in no time!

We look forward to your first day!

However, if you've already started and you're having some issues, try our intranet knowledgebase.

Meet the Team

Director Antlers

Mrs. Sandra Antlers, Director of Human Resources for Social Interaction Services Syndicate LTD. One of our hardest-working and most loyal executives, Mrs. Antlers is an invaluable asset to the company.

Her longtime secretary, Barbara Brimstone, has recently been promoted to bigger and better opportunities within SISSI so Mrs. Antlers is currently looking for a new secretary. She tends to prefer demure feminine secretaries and of course, hard workers. If that sounds like you, apply now!

Bob Sanders

Bob is an up-and-coming manager in Cloud Data Services (a wholly owned subsidiary of Social Services Inc). His friends say he's quite the ladies' man, but still sensitive and supportive of those close to him. In his free time, he likes to spend Fridays at The Usual Place, a local bar known for custom cocktails and friendly atmosphere.

Alex Strawberry

Alex Strawberry is known as the "Tech Wizard" of Cloud Data Services due to both her skill with computers and her fondness for roleplaying games. If you were to have some kind of problem with lost data, she would be the person to go to for help. 

Because of course, Cloud Data Services doesn't tolerate lost data!