PLMC Stories

Life in PLMC told through the eyes of worshippers and staff

Stories & Testimonies *NEW*

Church Family
Thank God I’m Now Pregnant!
By  Nishanthini Tharmarasa  *NEW*

My story is a reminder that God hears us, even in our most desperate times, and that miracles can happen when we least expect them.


Church Family
A Lifetime of God's Faithfulness  
By Irene Qiu

Though her life was not smooth-sailing, she always believed God would provide and help her...


Testimony by Leong Oi Leng

Church Family
Delivered from the Deep Ditch
By Leong Oi Leng

The Lord provided many angels in the form of passersby to help us.  The driver in the car behind us called an ambulance and I was taken to Carson Valley Medical Centre.


Church Family
My Prodigal Father God
By Joy Lee

My recent trip to England for the birth of my eldest son's first baby gave me an unmistakable glimpse of how prodigal God can be to His children.


Church Family
Even in Sickness, I Will Thank Him! By Ian Yap
Lamentations 3:22-23 says that “the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.” He is indeed REAL and I experienced Him each step of the way.


Family on Missions
(India Nov/Dec 2023 STM)
By Derrick Choo

I strongly encourage families to embark on missions together. As we strive towards becoming a missional church, let us begin by becoming missional families.


Church Family
How Jesus Healed Me
By William Toh

In May 2023, I was diagnosed with cancer, but today, by God’s amazing power and grace, I am fully healed. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!


Events & Courses 

Discipleship & Nurture
Being a Neighbour Workshop
By Ian Yap

“I can’t see, I really cannot see!” Teresa Ng tried repeatedly to convince the disbelieving supermarket cashier who had just pointed her to the payment terminal, instead of guiding her there.


Video Testimonies *NEW*

Look out for more stories here weekly! If you have any stories of PLMC life to share, please email them with photographs (if any) to 

We'd love to hear from you!