Closing Date: 31 May

I have set the Lord continually before me . . . Therefore, my heart is glad. Psalm 16:8-9

In this silent retreat on Encountering the Presence of God in our Daily Life, we seek to address and prepare you on how to experience the joy of hearing God through the noise, complexities, stress and monotony of everyday life. We will explore the various means to cultivate an intimate relationship with God daily, learn to live life as a formative spiritual practice, engaged with God who speaks in everything.

Dates: 23-30 October 2024 (Wednesday to Wednesday)
Retreat venue: 7 Fountains Retreat Centre, Chiang Mai, Thailand
(Website for the 7 Fountains: )
Retreat fee: $600 per person (covers registration, meals & accomodation in ensuite single aircon room for retreat period).  Airfare is not included.
Closing date:  31 May (or when places are taken up)

Important Information

Air Ticket: You will need to book your own ticket. Please book to arrive at 7 Fountains  before 3pm on 23 October as retreat begins at 3pm. Taxi ride from Chiang Mai airport to retreat centre takes about 20 minutes. You have the options of Scoot or Thai Airways (which has a stopover in Bangkok) Please  book early once you have been informed that your registration is accepted.

Registration: All duly completed Registration Form must be accompanied with a non-refundable Registration Fee of S$50/.

Mode of Payment:
1. Electronic Transfer: Paya Lebar Methodist Church (DBS account number 023-905121-9)
2. PayNow (Company UEN: S87CC0520L001).  Please indicate “CR2024” in the Reference Number entry.
Please email a copy of the payment acknowledgement to  as proof of payment.

Retreat Briefing: Wednesday, 28 August 2024 at 8pm (onsite) at PLMC (Conference Room). Details on how to get to 7 Fountains retreat centre will be given. Full payment must be made at this compulsory meeting.

Program:  A brief schedule of the retreat is as follows:

23 Oct Wednesday

3pm      Arrival and Check In
4pm     Briefing and Introduction
8pm     Evening Prayer

24-28 Oct Thurs-Monday

Retreat with daily Morning & Evening Prayer
Daily Spiritual Direction (30-45 mins each)

29 Oct Tuesday (Morning)  

Review and Preparation to return
30 Oct Wednesday
Check out and Departure
Retreat Directors:
a. Mr. Alfred Quah (invited) – Founder and Director of One Path Ministry.

b. Ms Teo Soo Hoong – Director (Pastoral Care and Spiritual Formation), Paya Lebar Methodist Church.

Registration Link:

Please contact Soo Hoong ( ) if you need more information.


(organised by Sower Institute of Biblical Discipleship)
Closing Date: 31 May

D6 is an annual family ministry conference focusing on generational discipleship in churches and homes. The goal of the D6 movement is to equip families and churches to pass on  a spiritual legacy to future generations.

Dates: Friday & Saturday, 26 & 27 July 2024
Time: 9.30am-5.00pm
Venue: Paya Lebar Methodist Church, Sanctuary
Keynote Speaker: Dr Scott Turansky (Professor at  Concordia  University, Pastor at GraceWay Bible Church & Co-Founder of National Center for Biblical  Parenting, USA)

D6 and PLMC Family Life Ministry are giving a limited member of PLMC worshippers a very special rate of $55 per person (Usual price: $140 per person).

Registration link:
Registration closes:  31 May 2024

Please take a screenshot of the successful transaction and send it to



If you’ve never gone on a Mission trip but would like to do so with your family, why not join one of the Mission Exposure Trips to the Riau Islands? 

Details & Registration: 

Enquires and registration: 

Join Missions Telegram channel  to stay connected and be updated on what God is doing within and beyond PLMC:


A group from the Youth Ministry went on a mission trip to Siem Reap, Cambodia, in Nov 2023 and this is their story. You need only to speak with any of these young people who went for the trip, and the way their eyes light up are a testament to how these young people went in faith and met God in a truly transformative way. 

WSCS (Women's Society of Christian Service)

Risen Moms Season 6 - A Community for Mothers with Children Up to Age 12 

MOTHERHOOD IS HARD. To the mothers with young children, do you feel a sense of heaviness, and a need for your motherhood burdens to be lifted? A need for less to be on your plate, less on your mind, less on your heart? 

The WSCS presents Risen Moms ministry, a community of mothers to provide support based on biblical truth, no matter how you feel about motherhood. It is for the imperfect mother, still learning, still growing, and still recognising she does not have it all together, but we serve a God who does.


Join Season 6 of Risen Moms, as we come together to encourage, equip and challenge moms to apply the biblical truths to their everyday lives.



Register HERE by 15 June 2024.


Get in touch with Renee at if you have any questions regarding Risen Moms ministry.

More Precious than Jewels -
Closing Date: 30 June

Over 13 sessions comprising of 12 lessons and a testimony session, this course is a practical application of God's Word to every aspect of a woman's life. This includes career, relationships, marriage, parenting, aging, stress, anger, changes, trials, disappointments etc. You will also discover the two keys to unlocking joy and purpose in your life.

Dates: Thursdays, 11 July-3 Oct 2024
Time: 8.00pm-10.00pm
Venue: PLMC Conference Room

Register HERE by 30 June 2024.

Contact Elaine Lim via whatsapp: 9367 3076

TRAC WSCS event - 'VUCA 7-Women of Destiny' 

Destiny in this VUCA world

A conference  specially for all women on overcoming circumstances that are Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA). 

Join us in the VUCA 7 conference to be inspired by other women. Bring other women, especially those who have yet to receive Jesus Christ.

Date: Saturday, 27 July 2024
Time: 9.00am - 1.00pm
Venue: Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church
Registration: Via Local Church WSCS Presidents
Cost: $15 (FOC for pre-believers)

Register HERE and RSVP by 30 June 2024.

TRAC WSCS - The Grace Approach, How Can We Help Others? 

Due to the differences in a person’s personality, beliefs, values and nature of problems, the helping process is often complex. While there is no universal formula or method for helping others, we can adopt an approach that is effective and simple enough to use.

Date: Saturday, 3 Aug 2024
Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm
Venue: Sophia Blackmore Hall, Level 6, The Methodist Centre
Speaker: Charlie Ong, a certified psychotherapist and life coach, will train participants in the GRACE Approach to helping what a person wants in surplus instead of deficit, inching towards the desired solution.
Registration Fee: $20 ( includes tea & lunch)

Register Here by 12 July 2024.