Yellow Thai Curried Vegetables

Yellow Thai Curry

2 tablespoons Yellow Thai Curry

1 cup onions, large dice

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

½ inch ginger, peeled and minced

4 cups mixed vegetables, cut into 1” pieces – eggplant, peppers, potatoes, carrots, etc

2-3 cups vegetable stock

1 teaspoon brown sugar

1 can coconut milk

Thai Basil and Cilantro leaves, roughly chopped

Lime zest and lime juice to taste

Sweat onions just until translucent.

Add ginger and garlic and stir until fragrant (don’t burn)

Add curry and stir to coat and toast

Add vegetables, brown sugar and vegetable stock

Simmer just until the vegetables are tender.

Adjust heat, salt and pepper and add more curry if you like

Finish with coconut milk, herbs and lime juice (be careful not to boil after coconut milk is added because it will may break and curdle)

Yellow Thai Curry Vegetables