Risi i Bisi

Risi I Bisi (Rice and Peas)

2 tablespoons good olive oil

¼ cup shallots, finely minced

2-3 cloves garlic, finely minced

1 cup Arborio rice

½ cup wine

6 cups liquid (vegetable stock or water)

2 cups peas – freshly shucked, sliced sugar snap, or frozen

Chopped Parsley

Chopped Mint

¼ cup parmesan cheese (can use Nutritional Yeast if vegan)

1-2 tablespoons of butter if using, olive oil works well too

Bring the 6 cups liquid to a boil.

In another pot, lightly sweat the Shallots in olive oil. Add the garlic and carefully sweat (garlic easily burns) for only a couple seconds, then add the rice. Stir to coat the grains with oil, then add the wine and stir.

1 cup at a time, add the boiling liquid and stir regularly. You don’t have to stir constantly, but more stirring is better than less. Season a little with salt and pepper with each addition of liquid and add the next cup when the rice is almost dry.

When there is only 1 cup left and the rice is almost done, stir in the peas with the last addition of liquid. Adjust the seasoning and add the parsley. If using cheese and butter, stir in at the last minute. Sprinkle with mint to taste.

Risi i Bisi