Bible centered sexual revolution [5-5]

Notes from video 5, the Second King Hyung Jin Sean Moon Sunday service

Reading from “Why Judaism (and then Christianity) rejected Homosexuality

"In India until this century, certain Hindu cults have required intercourse between monks and nuns, and wives would have intercourse with priests who represent the god. Until it was made illegal in 1948, when India gained independence, Hindu temples in many parts of India had both women and boy prostitutes." Until it was made illegal in 1948, there was still reaping Indian girls. ... I thought all the religions protect human rights. No, they do not.

The traditionalism of Satanism, whoa! So modern! No, so pathetically ancient not new ideas, pathetically old ideas...

... Before 1948, still young children in India were being raped and harvested trafficked because of the religions that existed. You see not all religions are equal they have different social values.

... It stopped, stopped, it stopped, it stopped the incest, your brother's wife ... whatever it is.

It cut down and clarified the relationships that they have not been protected. It closed the door against homosexuality rejected homosexual traditionalism they rejected it and said no we're not going to let that in our civilization because that is inherently anti-family ...

Reading from “Why Judaism (and then Christianity) rejected Homosexuality

"In the fourteenth century, the Chinese found homosexual Tibetan religious rites practiced at the court of a Mongol emperor."

"In Sri Lanka through this century, Buddhist worship of the goddess Pattini has involved priests dressed as women, and the consort of the goddess is symbolically castrated."

So as you see the Creed culture in some religious celibacy is seen like okay, see sex is bad it gets deviant so we have to cut away from sex completely. Well, does that get rid of? No, of course it never gets; it actually creates hidden blackmail and hidden tells subcultures that arise in that communities like for example Catholicism right and in Buddhism these things are now become more and more exposed right and Father, whenever he see Catholic nuns or priests or Buddhist monks he will say: "Get married" right. Father do not see celibacy as a virtue, they are not higher spiritually, they are not; it is abnormal. ... But, It's abnormal for a man to not be able to make love to a woman that's abnormal, it's abnormal.

So, God brings what's normal and he channels all of males attention, their neuroticism, their desire, their passion. He says that can only be given to one, and that is your wife! They cannot share it anywhere else. Why? because you look at the cultures where that is shared, because the stupid women they're getting very much on the government and be told that that's good more tolerant they'll be happier no they won't they become inherently less worth they become worthless.

The culture itself becomes more and more misogynistic and sees women as the defiled and dirty impure class, and as the homosexual flowering and homosexual deflowering, over all this stuff becomes central which it was it.

For example in Greco-Roman culture, in many cultures of the Far East etc... This becomes glorified. Women become what is known as the peripheral, they become the peripheral of society the marginalized class, not the center of man's desire and affection; the purpose for why he wants to work, right and build civilization for.

So he goes into all the kind of though he also shows the modern-day how psychiatrists have said that in 1973 they said that homosexual was a mental illness. Sigmund Freud said, for example people with overbearing moms or over emotional moms and then detached fathers are homosexual. They become homosexual. There's studies for example that show children who have been sexually abused, right have a 400 percent what let me only show this honey yeah it's in the book okay.

Hyung Jin Moon is reading from a Scientist Journal:

"Study in the Journal of sex therapy, examined past sexual experiences, sexual thoughts and fantasies, regarding the sexual contacts of 35 adult men, who were sexually abused during their childhood these are all of sexual abuse men; the study found that among men a history of homosexual child abuse was linked both to an adult homosexual orientation and to sexual attraction to children and upheld the following finding quote". This is this these are the scientists now speaking according to see existing literature gender identity confusion and gender preference after cited as being affected by childhood sexual abuse.

In this study 46 percent of the abuse name as opposed to 12 percent of the non abuse define their sexual orientation as either bisexual or homosexual a nearly 400 different percent difference.

You can understand this is a scientist, that is making these conclusions this this is the quote from the scientist even though that was a pretty bad German accent but everything I'm not good at the German accent I'm good at some of the Asian accents okay but maybe not the Germans I gotta work on that one but you want a sound I'm saying, this is their conclusion. this is still a nice toasting ...

... Therefore these findings further validate previous research regarding the whole sexual orientation of children who have been sexually abused, the researchers concluded studies saying, given these findings it appears that being sexually abused as a child may affect the same propensity of adult men to fantasize about this is what this scholarship sign is it four hundred percent so those children been raped when their children then they have a four hundred percent more chance of being bisexual or being open to homosexual activity. Why because they were abused. The parents didn't protect them, the parents did not protect them, didn't do their job; they just sought always but their uncle or their brother ... no you have to educate your children too, because even the siblings may have sexual desires for their siblings that arise of the devil tried to tempt them, you understand you have to

tell them these things, because they may not know. That's why it's in

Bible, that's why God says study the word and even you young people you raise a child you have to understand you're not even they may get tempted by Satan, they don't know; but he may tempt them. So you have to tell them about this stuff, right they have to be able to overcome these kind of things.

Are you with me folks? oh my gosh how can how can my brother ...

Hyung Jin Moon is reading from a Scientist Journal:

"The national health of socials life service survey found the homosexual lesbian a concentrate in urban areas. Okay this this also talks about in one section in this as well it talks about the urbanization they have much higher percentage of homosexual experience if you live in urban areas probably because the predominance of it becomes a focal point of homosexuals to gather and then make children experiment with those type of lifestyles. But of course they don't tell you about the reality of those kind of life cells like the Queen was mentioning of a Korean doctor that has treated over was seven hundred seventy thousand seventy thousand homosexual AIDS patients patients in Korea he's the top doctor for treating homosexual AIDS patients in Korea top top his whole hospital is devoted to treating gay men and women but he says he's a Christian. The man is a man of God because he's he's exposing what's happening. These men will go into showers, they will go into motels and if there's a detachable shower head, they'll detach that from the thing no stick up their anus and they'll flush their anus over five times between each sexual encounter, you understand? no they're cleaning up they're cleaning up their crap, that's in their colon, so some man can rape them so they're going into the motel showers so you when you go to motel you better watch out but you've careful what kind of showerhead that is I'm not telling the Estrada girls I'm telling you the truth this guy's treat over seventy thousand AIDS patients um there's no fool you understand you got to make sure that showerhead is connected to the damn pipe because you don't know what kind of crazies in there you know and they're sticking it up and they're flushing they're calling out and they have to do it's the five-time seeing their feces drop out of there.

Oh my gosh understand so that they can be prepared to have a sexual intercourse with another man and they have to do this five times on average per intercourse so you understand over the doctor was saying what this is so destructive physically to your body and he sees tremendous physical damage to these men that engage in this ok commendeth physical laceration to the colon to their whatever everything

inside internal damage but why they don't teach you this in school huh how come they don't teach you how come they don't invite a guy who's the number one doctor that treats AIDS homosexual patients and he has a love

for these people he doesn't he wants them to be free from this he's praying for them and of course he's treating them as a doctor he's a number one but it's just it's it's unbelievable these men will be in the they're in the rehabilitation center Rite Aid's they're in the bathroom

they'll be in there so you have to actually they actually have to cut a

hole in the bathroom so the staff can look under because the men will be in with AIDS they'll be engaging in sex in the bathroom with other AIDS patients because of the sex drive it's lascivious so they even in his hospital he said he has to cut open the bottom have the ten inches of the door so they can see how many feet are in there, because the patients that are in there being trained for AIDS are you know being overcome with sexual desire.

Then he's also he's showing the presentation, yeah ... men that were having sex on top of a car in the parking lot and this is where children coming in, and I think ... this is serious serious mental illness, you understand. This is the top doctor by the way in Korea that treats AIDS patients.

How come they don't invite these people at the public school teach your kids about reality of this kind of crap huh now what kind of hurt their little narrative huh be careful of those Hope Motel hotels you make sure that thing is connected you don't know where the hell people have nothing. It's not a joke not a joke and don't think you're gonna escape it by going to some high-class place - they got more crap going on there. Either this is such a lie that the high-class people are somehow I let give me a break many times they bring in the drugs into hose neighborhoods because any of all this disposable income that they give

you their kids and make the children Devils.

Hyung Jin Moon is reading from a Scientist Journal:

"The education factor we go into showing that quote higher levels of education are associated with higher levels of sexual experimentation."

You know that means it just means higher levels of brainwashing gets you do that because have sexual games I show experiences that sort of means but how they say that higher levels of education.

"Women with college education are eight times more likely to identify themselves as lesbians that's are women with a high school education"

You see, the more brainwashing you get, it goes up eight times you see but you're supposed to believe that you're getting educated! not about how crazy deviant people can harm you and harms a society, you don't even know you that's not as intolerant you have to be educated about how these people are the saviors of the world right if we send our society on them it's gonna be told he's gonna be utopia.

"The social organization of sexuality as well supposed to notion the ideological environment rather than innate characteristic accounts for this finding quote higher levels of education are social with greater social and sexual liberalism and with greater experimentation etc. Edward Loman John Gagnon and mykola Robert Michael Stewart Michael's the social organization of sexuality sexual practices in the United States Chicago University of Chicago Press 1994"

These are real studies I'm not just saying this stuff to make ... , these are actual real studies. So, we looked at that we looked a living and you know what this is what this is what the gay clergy. is saying in the Christian body of Christ. "Well you know the reality is is that your pastors teaching it wrong, because in Leviticus and Deuteronomy they're talking about homosexuality in context with idolatry". See yeah, see this is what the liberal pastors are saying now and the Methodist churches that are allowing gay clergy. This is their argument. The argument is okay, we can't deny that in the Bible it says this, but God is talking about homosexuality in the context of idolatry okay that's where God doesn't like it, but in a relationship of fidelity and trust and monogamy you see God is okay with that. This is their argument.Because they're saying it's a monogamy the gay partners are being faithful and and then and the practices in Deuteronomy and Leviticus are talking about idolatry is the real problem that's the real sin that was the first commandment, by the way, did you know your pastor didn't tell you that did he uh-huh really I told you that ...

... The scripture is talking about homosexual in the in the context of idolatry but in Deuteronomy 18, no, not at all. The scripture talks no no mention of idolatry, it's talking about homosexuality as a abomination, as a moral value, has no association with idolatry whatsoever; it's used in the general case mankind will not lay down as they do with minik mankind with another man right, it is very clear. Leviticus 18 has no and if that was true ...let's say that was true let's say Leviticus 18 is homosexual is wrong only in the context of ideology, well then we can make the same conclusion that bestiality is only wrong in the context of idolatry because it's in the same verse in the same chapter. Oh okay then we can say that committing adultery is only or having sex with your mother, or uncle or whatever your father's a wife, it is only wrong if it is done under idolatry!

You see how that argument, their stupid argument breaks. No, they are talking to people who do not read their Bible, did never read it.

The Bible is not talking about homosexuality is wrong in the context of idolatry like then I know he's there saying this as a moral value is wrong and it is not only wrong it's an abomination, it's Tovah.

Can you see but this is what the Glick key clergy is trying to do they're trying to confuse Christians and lead them to hell.