Sun Myung Moon. King of Kings, the Return of Christ

Sun Myung Moon. King of Kings, the Return of Christ and Lord of the Second Advent

"The best man of our contemporary time. His Teachings is the only valid option for mankind since the coming of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago. As he came from the Father, he returned to the Father".

Ramdane HAdj Amar

What is the teaching of Rev. Moon?

It is Divine Principle. Divine Principle is not a theology. This is an important statement that, Father is making. It is not a theology. It is a principal formula for humankind to live by. What is a formula? It is a rule that applies to every circumstance. This formula is one particular form that fits everywhere, every occasion and every circumstance. Without this principle, without living it and fulfilling it, no one can truly live like a human being. Without learning and following this principle, no one can become a truly perfected human being. The Divine Principle is bringing light, so that no one can remain in darkness. It teaches what went wrong and how it actually happened. It also teaches how to tell right from wrong.

Reverend Sun Myung Moon was born in 1920 (25 February 1920 - 3 September 2012) in what is now North Korea. While praying on a mountain, on Easter morning of 1936, Jesus appeared to him and entrusted him with the mission of carrying out the work he had begun two thousand years ago, the building of the Kingdom of God. Since then, Reverend Moon has devoted himself wholeheartedly to fulfilling God's will, in building the Kingdom of God. .

Three things have been his chief concern:

  1. To free God, who has guided the providence of restoration in the midst of suffering and pain, having lost His beloved children.

  2. To raise all humanity from the suffering and misery derived from the fall.

  3. To create an ideal world of peace with God at the center.


1. Latest Proclamation of Rev. Moon about his Teaching Education Materials before departing to the Spiritual World

“I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes. They are: The Sermons of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Exposition of the Divine Principle, Cheon Seong Gyeong, The Family Pledge, Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong, True Families: Gateway to Heaven, Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage, and World Scripture. These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation”.

This proclamation was made on 3 different occasions, as follows:

  • 1. July 24, 2010, Manhattan Center, New York, NY. Name of event: “Convention to Proclaim the Word that Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.”

2. April 24, 2011, Convensia, Songdo in Inchon, Korea, with 12,000 in audience attending.

3. January 12-15, 2012, in Korea. Name of these events and proclamations in Korea: “Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God’s Substantial Self.”

2. Latest Proclamation of Rev. Moon about his future Heir and Successor, before departing to the Spiritual World

In the context of the Coronation Ceremony for the Establishment of the Sabbath Realm of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity, (I report to Hananim that) I transfer and pass on the Blessing of the True Parents (to this couple). Aju."

This proclamation Ceremony for "The Great Coronation of the Authority of Liberation of God, the King of Kings" was made on 3 different occasions, as follows:

January 15, 2009 in Korea

January 31, 2009 in both Korea and U.S.


"God is the one King of Kings. There is only one set of True Parents. All families are the people who share a single lineage, and are the children of one heavenly kingdom. Moreover, the command center of cosmic peace and unity is the absolute and unique command center. Its representative and heir is Hyung Jin Moon. Anybody else [who claims such a position] would be a heretic and one who brings things to destruction. The above content is True Parents' proclamation."

June 5, 2010; Korea, Declaration and Will (Written by his own hand)


"The representative and inheritor is Hyung Jin Moon, anybody else is a heretic and destroyer." "You just follow everything. It contains everything."

June 5, 2010; Korea. Spoken words when explaining the “Declaration and Will” to Han Hak Ja


"Hyung Jin is a mysterious man who can fit himself to any given atmosphere and introduce Heavenly Father. He can let family members feel something new, and he and his wife are a beautiful couple who can show the flower of profound minds anywhere in the world."

March 3, 2011; Las Vegas, NV, Hoon Dok Hae, Cheon Hwa Gung