Yeon Ah lee Moon

At the end of "The Hope" sermon by Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, his wife, Yeon Ah Lee Moon, makes a pledge in front of Heaven and Earth.

So today I would like to make a small promise before all of you, in front of the world church, and especially before God and before our Christ. I want to make a promise, in fact I want to make two promises.

The first is this

I, Yeon Ah Lee Moon, I want to solemnly promise that I know my position as an object partner to my husband that the True Father has consecrated as successor and heir. I will be happy in the position of partner object to love him, respect him, support him until the end of my life and if I move away from this position, please be the first to throw a stone at me, to correct me, so that it can be in the right position. Brothers and sisters, this is how you, as a body of Christ, show me love. This is my first promise.

My second promise is this:

I, Yeon Ah Lee Moon, solemnly promise that, since the True Father has consecrated my third son Shin Jin Moon as the one whomTrue Father desires to complete his Three Generations of Kingship, I support True Father's desire for my son and when he will reach the age of serving God as the humble servant leader of the movement, I will never use his position. I will happily stay in the support position, to support him from behind; I want to promise this in the front of Heaven and Earth, in front of the entire congregation at the world level. I solemnly promise this. I humbly promise this.

I have truly prayed to understand what the True Father would want from me as a bride of Christ and this is what we, as women, must all ask ourselves in the era of women. I truly believe that, as women, we need to make this solemn promise, not just me, but all the women who are watching this, because we have as our subject the True Father. He is our absolute subject. We are the object, and we live our life to glorify it. We live our lives for our husband because he is what the True Father has given us as his representative. And God also gave us our children, so that in the future we can support them so that they become great leaders of this movement, to serve God with humility. I'm not saying that daughters are not important. I have a daughter too. And I know they can be great leaders: but it's not about their ego, it's not about themselves. It is all about serving God. If they have a humble spirit to serve God, if they know who they are serving, they can be excellent leaders, but they must know with absolute clarity who they are serving, who their subject is. This is exactly what I'm saying to my daughter. You can ask her too.

I really believe this, you know.

This is a time when all of us women, as brides of the True Adam, are truly under the test of the devil. The devil is testing us. Just like in the Garden of Eden, he's testing us. Will you choose the "power trip" or will you choose the love of Christ?

I'm on that train, by the way. I'm not going to lose that train. I do not intend to lose that train, because I know it has an eternal value. I know it has an eternal value.

And do you know what, sisters? We are beautiful when we are in the position of Christ's brides. And you must also be dangerous because of the temptation of the devil. Let's glorify his name, Aju!


  1. True Father in Nigeria

  2. Yeon Ah Interview

  3. Yeon Ah Messages