
"God is the architect of the whole universe: he is the creator and architect of the universe, of mathematics, of science, of all atoms, neutrons, of all that forms this incredible and vast universe".

Hyung Jin Moon, the Second King of Cheon Il Guk


Rev. Moon always speaks of God and in particular, in the Book of Cheon Seong Gyeong "The True God" He speaks of God in a exhaustive way and deepened way that allows us to understand many things about God

I believe that only when we really understand the existence of God, the purpose of His creation, as it is ezplained in the Divine Principle, the Teaching of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, can my life change.


What is the standard for going to the Kingdom of God?

It is to love God more than one's own child. Without loving God the most, one cannot leave the realm of Satan. Therefore, if one does not love God more than one's wife or husband, one cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Some fallen people are in the situation of leaving the realm of Satan and yet staying in the edge of the realm. In other words, they have not left Satan's realm completely. Therefore, one should not love one's father and mother more than God.

Sun Myung Moon, The Kingdom of God, Earthly Life and Spirit World II Book 3, The Completed Testament Age and the Ideal Kingdom


Knowledge of God

How can human beings recognize the existence of the Absolute Being? Philosophers have ever pondered this question; some offering proofs while others are skeptical that any such knowledge can be had. Although such discussion is beyond the scope of this anthology, certain arguments are put forth in scripture.

God has left evidence of His existence and provided ways for people to know Him, if they only look.

The first of these is evidence of God’s handiwork in the creation. Numerous scientists testify that the more they studied nature, the more certain they were of a Designer. Inventor Thomas Edison remarked, “The universe is permeated by Intelligence. I tell you, no person can be brought into close contact with the mysteries of nature or make a study of chemistry without being convinced that behind all, there is a supreme Intelligence.”

The second path to God is the doorway of contemplation, that innermost self which senses God’s reality. The apprehension of God is mystical, not intellectual. Blaise Pascal said, “It is the heart which perceives God, and not the reason.”

The third type of evidence is supernatural. Few of us have access to this source, but we regard those who have such experiences as trustworthy guides. They are the founders of religion and people who have journeyed into the spiritual realms.

From “World scriptures the Teachings of Sun Myung Moon”


  1. You cannot see God even in the spirit world