Messages from the Spiritual World, that started in 2015

An English-speaking individual, who resides in a western nation, is the “transcriber” of these messages. The transcriber of the messages, should not be considered great because of his transcribing ability, and therefore is not interested in calling attention to the transcriber, but instead to the contents of the messages. The messages are presented as received for the information of all those who have an interest in what the legacy of rev. Sun Myung Moon will be in the years to come.


  1. Sun Myung Moon, The returning Lord

  2. Heung Jin Moon, Rev. Moon's filial son

  3. Jesus of Nazareth, first Advent od Christ

  4. Young Oon Kim, Teologian and Scholar

  5. Mrs. Hong, Hak Ja Han's mother

  6. Won Pill Kim, one of Rev. Moon's 3 disciples

  7. Dr, Lee, Unification Thought President

  8. Rev. Eu, Unification Church, first President

  9. Swedenborg, Spiritualist

  10. Georges Washington, America first President