Rev. Moon talks about Hak Ja Han

(1) The God of Night and God of Day are still struggling

40 days before his ascension, In Hoon Dok Hae, Father revealed his profound problem with Mother symbolically. Showing the two 옥새 (玉 璽: Royal Seals) from the golden casket, Father said: "At this time, there is still no owner of the royal seals. Why? Because the God of Night and God of Day are still struggling. "

(2) The Bride Culture

Then where does the worldwide elder sonship go? To the realm of the worldwide Eve nation. The son establishes kingship after receiving a bride. Although Christianity is the bride culture, it is divided because of fighting between Cain and Abel. That is why True Mother has not fulfilled her responsibility yet. Even God cannot go to Christianity when they are fighting one another. Satan's side also claims dominion over them. Our task is to connect the victorious foundation of North America, where most people are Christians, to South America and people of a lower culture and unite them. I cannot go back without establishing the foundation to receive True Parents in the Christian realm of a lower culture. Following that, Europe should be united centering on the unity of South America and North America. Then Judaism, Christianity and Islam should be united.

True God’s Day, January 1st 1997, Brazil Translator: Jung Choe

(3) Raising up Mother

When the Holy Wedding was held, Mother was 17 years old and I was 40. Why did I marry such a young virgin of 17? Eve fell at the age of 16. Mother's course was to obey me absolutely. True Mother does not know the way of restoration.

The way of True Father is to follow the way of the Divine Principle. Who is True Father to True Mother? Because three generations of grandfather, father and brother were lost due to the fall, Mother has to be able to embrace three generations. Historically, Eve killed three husbands: Eve expelled Adam, killed Jesus and expelled the Lord of the Second Advent to the wilderness for 40 years. Therefore, the bride of the Messiah came from a lineage where for three generations there was only one daughter.

True God’s Day, January 1st 1997, Brazil. Translator Jung Choe

(4) Mother also must have Absolute faith, Absolute love, Absolute obedience to Father

"Mother also must have Absolute faith, Absolute love, Absolute obedience. It is not centered on self. Absolute faith, Absolute love, Absolute obedience to Father. Therefore, if Mother, who is present here, has own thoughts and builds her own nest it will become a big problem. Rev. Moon will not be tangled up in that. But If that inevitably happens, I will jump over that. I will build mountain again. Now we entered the Completion Era and if Mother does not fulfil her responsibility, there are plenty of candidates".

[The Providence through the Blessing (축복을 통한 섭리), The Selected Speech of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Vol.312 P177, 1999. 10. 15. (Uruguay)]

(5) Father's Words to Mother in Hoon Dok Hwe from 2012.1.19

In his 9/20/15 sermon, “The Burning of Babylon,” Hyung Jin Nim shared about an email he recently received from a Korean member who attended Father's Hoon Dok Hwe on Jan. 19, 2012. In this email he explained that the Peace TV and History Compilation Committee chose not to record Father's strong words. Fortunately, this member took notes of Father's HDK that morning, which follows.

As usual this day also after the HDH reading, True Father spoke. But what was unusual was that his talk was about True Mother. His words were frank and painful, filled with fire and regrets.

Those present wre embarrassed; here were some of his points:

  1. True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind is not two as Father and Mother, but one.

  2. Mother is Father's platform. Just eating with and following Father around does not automatically make her True Mother.

  3. Acting separately will cause doom and death.

  4. Those who do not respond to Father and just hang around Mother are villains

  5. Do not brag about Anju (Mother's hometown) and the family name Han. If you do that, you don't become True Mother.

  6. Mother is going her own way like a Dokkaebi (demon). She is not walking the same road as Father.

  7. You villains (True Children, executive aides and church leaders [mentioned by name]) are following Mother and walking a different path than me. Villains!

  8. Anyone who follows Mother and thinks he does not need Father is a rootless Dokkaebi

  9. Only Heavenly Father is with lonely Father.

  10. For Mother to say "Don't listen to Father, listen to me" is a more frightening than Lucifer

  11. I am all alone now. I do not have any sons or daughters. Mother plays her own game

  12. When Hyo Jin was alive, he said to me -"Father, I feel sorry for you. Why is Mother not listening you, and doing her own thing?

Therefore Father proclamed:

"From this time on Mother has to absolutely obey Father. Then Father asked Mother who was sitting next to him to stand up and go to in front of the table face Father. Then True Father called Drs. Jun-Ho Seok, Sun-Jo Hwang, Jeong-Lo Yoon, and Hyo-Yul Kim (Peter Kim) to the front to make a line behind True Mother and made all raise hands including all Hoon Dok Hae participants to pledge absolute obedience. True Father repeatedly urged True Mother to answer " (Yes)".

He then asked everyone to raise their hands and clap to confirm they knew Father's will and seal this special ceremony.

PS: Because cameras and tape recorders were not allowed, I had to check with several who attended and have faithfully recorded what transpired as best I could until the Weekly Planning and History Compilation Committee can provide a detailed record.

Hyung Jin Nim explained that those at the palace who spoke about uplifting Father as the Messiah were bullied by “thought police” who told them they shouldn't be talking about Father anymore. This was the time only to honor the reign of “victorious True Mother.” Such “thought police” were following the precedent of Mother herself.

Erasure of Father's strong and controversial words because “it would damage our image” is shameful, Hyung Jin Nim said, explaining, “We don't care about our ‘image,’ we care about the truth.”

The fate of humanity rested on Mother's choice. Like God, Father did not intervene with that, which is why Eve was represented by the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Sadly, there are indications that, after Father’s passing, Mother chose to separate from Father.