Messages from the Medium Kim Young Soon

The famous medium Kim Young Soon, who recorded Dr. Lee's messages, from the spiritual world in 2001-2003

The last posts of Mrs. Kim Young Soon [the famous medium who sent messages of Dr. Lee from the spiritual world in 2001-2003] are making a stir in Korea, where she is very respected. Both of his posts (one of True Father and one of Dae Mo Nim) strongly criticize the current behavior of Mother and contain strong warnings to the blessed couples and the leadership of FFWPU. When these messages began circulating, Mother sent FFWPU leaders, including the vice president of the Family Federation and the regional leaders to meet with Pastor Jeong-Ho-Woong, Mrs. Kim Young Soon husband. (The pastor Jeong is a former chaplain of Sun Moon University and enjoys great respect in the Unification community). Leaders of FFWPU have threatened to excommunicate the Jeong family if Mrs. Kim does not revoke the last messages received from the spiritual world. However, Shepherd Jeong told leaders of FFWPU: "I have followed all my life and obey the words of True Father to the end. If you want to expel me, go ahead. "


  1. Message from Hoon Soon-ae, Hak Ja Han's mother. October 5, 2016

  2. Message from Sun Myung Moon, The returning Lord. October 6, 2016