The Words of Rev. Moon on the Rod of Iron

1. Organization and Outreach in Chaotic Times, Sun Myung Moon's Life, in his Own Words,1969

"All Unificationists must take an interest in guns now that I have am doing business with guns while on earth. Why am I involved with guns? The satanic world has done its conquering with guns. Conquering the world with guns is not our intent, but we must bear arms and create a strong protective fence.

"Future generations will wonder why I was interested in guns. We absolutely need them to create a defensive fence to shield ourselves from satanic world attacks. That is why I am interested in guns."

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2. The Mission We Are Undertaking, March 16, 1975, Tarrytown, New York

"You advocate peace and freedom, but peace and freedom cannot be won without fighting against the enemy and defeating them. So while there is a fierce enemy always lying in ambush, can you just claim and advocate peace and freedom without going against them with guns and weapons?

In the existing churches, people entertain the idea that even though in the Communist world they make weapons and atomic bombs, in the free world we should never do that. They are so strong in the faith that God will protect them. In that case, do you think that God will protect them? Well, God had His people make atomic bombs because the enemy was arming. When people do not know how to use technology, if they do not do their part, can God help them? Atomic bombs and weapons are your strength.

For instance you must train yourself with karate. If you have the technique and you don't have to use it, then that's okay; but shouldn't you train yourself in that art while your enemies are doing that? For instance, in the Communist world they are expanding and making more armaments, and yet you say that you are not going to manufacture armaments because it is an evil thing.

Then can people in your nation have an easy mind when the enemies have formidable weapons? (No!) So it is better for you to manufacture heavy armaments, strengthen your army, and wait without declaring war. They will find you stronger than they are, and then they cannot attack you. Which of the two ways is better? For the Unification Church, as a religious group, which of the two would we want?

We must advocate the manufacture of armaments. Then what if the existing churches would protest against us, saying that we are advocating the manufacture of armaments and weapons? In that case, are we going to shrink back; or are we going to go beyond the opposition and go on doing that? Can I tell you to build a big factory where we will manufacture weapons? (Yes!) At least we must have our goal clear enough otherwise America will come to naught, shattered into pieces. There will be no order.

There are many Christian denominations and religious sects. They want to carry out their portion of responsibility that is smaller in scope than ours, but in the Unification Church, we claim the unification of all the denominations of Christianity and religious sects. So our responsibility is to approach the goal of salvation of the whole world. We must be responsible for the whole population of the world. Unification is what it means. We must approach the goal from all directions, east, west, south and north, not leaving out any one of them".

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Part 1

Part 2


3. The Age of Judgment and ourselves, November 21, 1976

"If the comunists come to destroy the Unification Church with guns then we will have to fight with guns too. We cannot be their helpless victims and be defeated by their bullets. Do you think God will win such a battle for you? If the time comes to fight the satanic force, I will never hesitate to become the commander in chief and lead the heavenly army into battle.

Do you think the Defense Department can safeguard God's world? Do not trust it too much. You can only trust the heavenly forces that are dedicated to God's purpose. Our young people should be trained in every way physically. In a final war against the satanic force, it will be a life or death battle. In order to safeguard the heavenly side we may need to become soldiers. It is Satan's nature that once he feels he is in a superior position he will attack.

Is it a crime to defend yourself and the heavenly nation? You should not have some naive concept of Christian love. That does not apply in a confrontation with Satan's forces, which are determined to destroy God's world and God's people. If God has no power to defeat a satanic attack then He is no longer God. As God's force, we shall be able to defend ourselves and to defend the godly world. We are a different kind of religious leadership".

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4. Father’s words on: Guns and training women (10/18/1969, from Vol. 26, 95-98, unofficial translation )

… All women in the Daegu area should also buy a gun for each this year. Why? Our enemy is not only Kim Il Sung in North Korea. In the future, we must fight against the Chinese Communist Party. That is why women also have to do military training. Our last fight is to fight against the Chinese Communist Party and the Soviet Union, and we must prepare for it. The future destiny of Korea is determined on this point.

What Teacher thinks is how to deal with the Chinese Communist Party, which is the world communist nation, and how to ideologically unite completely and create the Asian federation and have dominion over the world.

A battle should not be fought only by men. God takes command in the battle only when we’ve made a corps of women who can think it’s honorable to fight bravery on the very front line and die there.

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