True Father in Nigeria

True Father in Nigeria [Testimony]

Hyung Jin Nim and I were travelling with Father on his last world tour- it was July 2011, in Abuja, Nigeria. Father was speaking to an overflowing crowd of African members and international church missionaries who had flown in for the event. Over three thousand people were in attendance of what was to be Father’s final visit to Africa. Father was pouring out his heart to the African brothers and sisters who sat before him with shining faces. He was moved by their warm hearts and tangible joy at seeing their True Parent in person. He had been speaking for several hours; members were drinking in every word. But we were on a tight schedule, and a Korean leader came up to the stage to tell him it was time to depart. If we left after 12 noon, it might be difficult to get our plane refueled in Iceland. But, as had happened many times in the past, Father ignored the request and continued speaking. Another Korean leader then came on stage, once again to tell him that they needed to leave posthaste. Father responded “No, no, no! This might be the last time they will see me!” Then Hyung Jin nim came on stage, pleading “Father, we have to go.” “No, I’m not going!” was his reply. He gave Hyung Jin Nim a slap on the face after he spoke, and then began calling me to come to the stage: “Yeonah! Yeonah!” I quickly came to the platform, not knowing why I had been called. The next thing I knew, Father slapped me as well! Although his hand did not hit my face very hard, I was in shock.

This was a very stressful time for me. Since becoming the International Church President in 2008, Hyung Jin Nim had been the subject of criticism from people both inside and outside the church who did not want him to succeed. I knew they could easily use this public scolding of our couple as fuel for their negative fire. I shakily sat down on the stage as Father continued to speak. After about ten minutes he finished, and we briskly proceeded to make our way to the airport. Upon leaving, several people came up to me and asked if I was ok. I responded that I was fine, but in reality, I was angry and upset. I felt that I had been publically humiliated by Father slapping me before an audience of thousands.

On the drive to the airport I was silent, trying to sleep without success. An African political leader was at the terminal to greet us when we arrived. He began speaking with Father and Hyung Jin Nim, and before long, the three of them were engaged in joyful conversation filled with laughter. This only served to increase my anger- didn’t my husband have any empathy for me, his suffering wife? Didn’t he care about how I had been harshly treated?

As we boarded the private airplane, my only thought was to keep myself from crying. We were in close quarters, and any tearful outbursts were sure to be noticed by Father who was sitting only a few feet away. And so I picked up my ipad, and proceeded to play video games for the next seven hours as we flew to Iceland. I rarely play video games, but this was my only defense to keep the tears from coming. I couldn’t talk to my husband; I was too angry to pray. I thought, if Father sees me crying, he might be even more displeased than when he had hit me. And so I focused on lining up fruits on the screen in front of me, and exploding them to dull my turbulent emotions. I played so long my shoulder became numb!

We refueled in Iceland, and finally landed home in Las Vegas. Father was vibrant and cheerful as we disembarked. Hyung Jin Nim clasped his hand and said: “Father! I was so happy when you struck me back in Nigeria! You are still so strong! You have such energy and power!” Father was delighted by his son’s sincere, heartfelt remarks. Me? I was still disgruntled and upset. How could my husband express such unconditional devotion?

As we were waiting at the baggage claim for our luggage, a staff member remarked to Father “Abonim, even in a normal house, much less a royal family, fathers don’t hit their daughters-in-law.

Their daughters-in-law are not as close, and they can easily become upset.” Father’s response? “I never hit my daughter-in-law. That was my daughter.”

When he spoke those words, a huge dark cloud lifted from my heart. Father loved me as his flesh and blood daughter! He wanted no distance between us. I suddenly realized that he had struck me and Hyung Jin nim not for any selfish reason, but from the desire to teach us a deep lesson. We did not recognize the value of the living Christ spending time with disciples who dearly loved him, and who were probably seeing him for the last time. Father hoped we would have the faith to understand this simple, profound truth.

Two days later, as I was clearing Father’s table after dinner, he said to me, ”Yeonah, you cannot hold a grudge. I wanted to teach you- so don’t hold a grudge, ok?” Somehow, Father sensed that there was still some un-forgiveness in my heart. He spoke again:

“Don’t hold any resentment against me, ok?”

“Yes, Father, I understand.”

“I wanted to teach you- that’s why I did what I did.”

The next day, at Hoon Dook Hae, Father looked over at me, and repeated what he had said the day before: “You don’t hold a grudge against me, Yeonah, ok?”

“Oh no, Father, don’t worry. I don’t hold any grudge against you.”

I was wondering why Father had spoken the same words to me as the previous day. Upon reflection, I realized that he detected some resentment still buried in my heart, and he wanted no barriers between us. I was so grateful for his care and concern that my heart be freed from any lingering bitterness.

As I think back, I can see that this was a turning point in my life of faith. Father could sense some residual anger in my heart, and it pained him. He wanted me to be free to love him as my True Father.

Because of the incredible strength and power of our Father, we sometimes forget about the tender-hearted Christ who is also gentle and kind, and wants to have a close relationship with each one of us. I felt like one of the little sparrows that was not forgotten before God.

To love Christ means to always trust in his goodness. My husband’s example of joyful obedience was a beautiful example of absolute faith. We may not always understand in the moment why Christ is speaking or acting in a particular way, but we can obey with filial piety because we can have faith in Christ’s heart of perfect love.

Yeon Ah Moon