June 5, 2010 Declaration, Sun Myung Moon's Will and Testament

June 5, 2010 Declaration, Sun Myung Moon's Will and Testament, written down by his own hand

Rev. Sun Myung Moon, speaking: "The representative and inheritor is Hyung Jin Moon, anybody else is a heretic and destroyer." Video time stamp 6:07

Rev. Sun Myung Moon, speaking: "You just follow everything. It contains everything." Video time stamp 4:14

“God is the one King of Kings. There is only one set of True Parents. All families are the people who share a single lineage, and are the children of one heavenly kingdom. Moreover, the command center of cosmic peace and unity is the absolute and unique command center. Its representative and heir is Hyung Jin Moon. Anybody else [who claims such a position] would be a heretic and one who brings things to destruction.

The above content is True Parents’ Proclamation.”

Translation from: Jugan Chosun (South Korea weekly news magazine issue July 12, 2010) Jung Jangyeol Deputy Desk Editor, Jugan Chosun

Sun Myung Moon (reading what he wrote):

“Here, here, here, there’s nothing more to say. There is only one King of Kings, who is God, only one True Parents, throughout tens of thousands of generations, all families are the people who share a single lineage, and are the children of one heavenly kingdom.

They have the same blood lineage. The Universal Peace and Unification Federation Headquarters is the absolute and unique Headquarters.

There cannot be two Headquarters.

Universal Peace and Unification, there is no Federation…just say Unification. Unification Headquarters is also the absolute and unique Headquarters. Its representative and inheritor is Hyung Jin Moon.

This is the Proclamation of the True Parents. Signed, Sun Myung Moon

Transcript of June 5th, 2010 Declaration Video