True Families, Gateway to Heaven

True Families Gateway to Heaven

Published January 30, 2009.

From the Foreword to True Family: Gateway to Heaven:

"Introduced in this book is a part of the historical and providential special messages from Heaven. They are the messages from Heaven that Rev. Moon, who received the calling from Heaven at the early age of 16 and set out on the path of the salvation of humanity, has declared and taught before all humanity in the world in his 90 years of lifetime.

The teachings of Rev. Moon have already been published in more than 1000 speech books. This pamphlet is an excerpt from the Cheon Seong Gyeong, a volume of 16 books comprising 'the holy book for the Kingdom of Heaven,' as it is described by Rev. Moon. This pamphlet’s first chapter is the first section of the first chapter of Book 5, 'Earthly Life and the Spirit World.' This pamphlet’s Chapter 2, 3 and 4 are the third, fourth and fifth chapters of Book 4, 'True Family,' of the Cheon Seong Gyeong.

Out of the many teachings imparted by Rev. Moon in the last few decades, the contents of this pamphlet sums up the love as originally created, that is, the love between a true man and woman centered on true life and so forth. It is a collection of the words given from the 1950s for decades until now, under the same given subject, and so it is somewhat repeated, and the reader may feel that the same words are given again and again."