Self-defense and the Rod of Iron AR 15

"All Unificationists must take an interest in guns now that I have am doing business with guns while on earth. Why am I involved with guns? The satanic world has done its conquering with guns. Conquering the world with guns is not our intent, but we must bear arms and create a strong protective fence.

"Future generations will wonder why I was interested in guns. We absolutely need them to create a defensive fence to shield ourselves from satanic world attacks. That is why I am interested in guns."

Organization and Outreach in Chaotic Times, Sun Myung Moon’s Life, in His Own Words,1969


  1. Biblical verses on the Rod of Iron

  2. Biblical verses for Self-Defense

  3. Christians and guns, understand the scriptures

  4. The Words of Rev. Moon on the Rod of Iron

  5. Miho Panzer’s reflection on the Rod of Iron

  6. Judeo-Christian foundation for the rights of citizens

  7. The Words of Rev. Moon on the Rod of Iron

  8. Quotes from True Father on the hot topic of guns