Bible centered sexual Revolution [4-5]

Notes from video 4 from the Second King Hyung Jin Sean Moon

Welcome to God’s centered sexual Revolution. This is the fourth video of a series of five. The Second King is sharing real facts from photos and clips about traditionalism and satanic traditions.

God is teaching about marriage as a lifeboat for men and for women, He is teaching that virtues, honor and living for the sake of others are the highest Goals, on the other hand, traditionalism and satanic tradition teach that marriage is a deathbed; teaches that pleasure and hedonism are the highest goal. Therefore you can choose which way

"In ancient Israel itself, there were repeated attempts to re-introduce temple prostitution, resulting in repeated Jewish wars against cultic sex. The Bible records that the Judean king Asa “put away the qdeshim [temple male prostitutes] out of the land;"

You see that, not only young girls being covered. What you see there is no end; there is no end to the lasciviousness of Satan's traditions, no end. It do not just stop with homosexuality, it is like the gateways or a gateway what is it practice or a gateway to sexual initiation. Right, homosexual leads to what every other things. Right, once you leave, you enter into Satan's traditionalism and now everything is hedonism, pleasure is your goal that is your pleasure, these are the highest moral values. It is not honor, not virtue, right not be willing to die to save people, no not that. Pleasure, have an orgasm; Then everything is subsumed, this is traditionalism, satanic traditions.

"That his successor, Jehosaphat put away out of the land … the remnant of the qdeshim that remained in the days of his father Asa”; and that later, King Josiah, in his religious reforms, “broke down the houses of the qdeshim.”

King Josiah destroyed the Temples of prostitution houses. Oh, but is that a violent act? Yes it is. They destroyed it. Because these temples in the satanic kind of traditionalism, they do not listen to Words, and saying no. They are allowed to rape you, and they are allowed to do whatever they want to your children. They only understand the Rod of Iron, you understand. That is why "oh the Rod of Iron is a symbolic accoutrement". No, raping children is not symbolic. It is stopping the raping of children and sex driving. No, no it is real. …

That showed that the good people must own the accoutrement of force.

"In India until this century, certain Hindu cults have required intercourse between monks and nuns, and wives would have intercourse with priests who represent the god."

You understand this is part of normal traditional religions. You see, what you thought was Judeo Christianity was traditionalism, because you have been brainwashed and slaves of the government and of people who run it; like Bill Clinton pedophile and Gerry Epstein networks. So they have been very good slaves, very good slaves listening to your government teachers, good slave. No God makes the revolution against that. Marriage was not deathbed; it was the saving of women.

and it what did it also do with honor of old mom my wife who was a godly woman uplifted Honorable godly woman it made her the sole recipient of all her husband's attention; no other woman, man, child could receive his attention. You know in the same way obviously as the woman.

When does that exist in history? In fact when you have the cultures that engage in homosexual bestiality, and all the stuff, and man's attention is scatterbrain all everywhere else. They become very misogynistic, seeing women as dirty and defiled nagging and complaining. Hard to deal with and they do not want to have steaks right. It becomes an inherently misogynistic culture, not to protect a woman. There is so many lies that through the force and the stealing that government is done, and then in doctrine your children have seeded into their brains.

Why aren't they taught the reality of Mesopotamian carcinogenic, Carthaginian all these Hindu prostitution, why are they taught that is a reality? that's an important part of history, that's a very important part of history; and the Judeo-Christian worldview and the Bible were book smashes that and separates from it, first time in history. How that can this not be in your history books? It separates us from it, it rejects it; and say no, women, the wife will be the sole recipient of the man's entire attention and sexual energy. She will be the only one who deserves of receiving that attention, nothing else; everything else is wicked, evil, and destructive for society and an abomination before God. Do you see how it elevated woman.

You think, all these girls who can brainwash by the left to be their good little slaves or the government; they believe that "oh if we adopt be nice to culture, what if we adopt the gay culture; it's going to be nice and we just let them free, free and, it's all about laughs, want they want to laugh".

Now you're allowing for a culture that will start relativizing you and seeing you as dirty and defile and the more men buy into that, no more men will wants you; because you are bloody and you know stinking and you're whatever they write; your dirty impure; this is how those cultures saw women, you understand. Even the Japanese culture, Shintoism, they saw women as impure, impure. Confucianism as well, women were impure; of course, they had concubines and sex slave. Everything. Shintoism and Confucianism sanctioned by the state. By the way, Confucian sanctioned by the state. Not all cultures are the same; even in Japan or Korea, women being seen as a defiled form, that is some kind of lesser form. This comes from Shintoism and Confucian is not from Christianity. Christianity elevates women to the daughters of God position, in the sole recipient of the entire men's passion. They cannot go anywhere beyond, above and beyond the woman. That is a massive shift in civilization; massive shift.

You want your husband to be able to look and have sex with animals, and other women? Are you crazy? No see the reason why you do not want, you already rebelled against that. Obviously, it is written on your heart, but you are also living in the fruit of Judeo-Christian culture. That is why you believe that.

However, in the ancient world, that was not the case. … You can sleep with the philosopher teachers; okay, that's beautiful, that's actually seen as the highest; he's initiating you, congratulations honey; oh it must been so wonderful being raped by your philosophy teacher, priests and altar boys; you understand, this was the kind of culture; who was protecting the kids who is protecting the wife; you understand.

See how wonderful the brainwashing has been. The government schools have taught you well, to be a slave. To fall into the honey trap destroying yourself by casting up Judeo-Christian culture and civilization. You are inviting traditionalism of Satanism to come in, and as that comes and takes over just like transgender "oh you thought it'd be nice girls to be nice to those boys, to pretend they're girls". Parents should not have their daughter exposed to other men's genital’s while they're taking a freaking shower there's got to be some sacred spaces for women to have by themselves and not be invaded by shrugs and ding-dongs. There has to be sacred spaces, especially if total strangers for Christ.

You see this guy on Infowars, Alex Jones interviewed...

I cannot even describe it, but he is attacking Asian women. This transgender liberal trendy, is attacking Asian women, because he went to a pedicure place and the woman ... she did not want to wax his balls. She gave a bikini wax to other women, but "why not me, I'm identified as a woman" No, you are, an obese man...

See the video: Should a woman be forced to wax a man's genitals against her will?

No a woman has a right. Women have the right to say no I do not want to touch a stranger. You understand. ... This is what they do, and do you see how he does it with a straight face ... you know, if they are identified a woman, they should be afforded these gender care services with no discrimination, okay. See this is this fat ugly obese behemoth of a man dressed up as a woman in literally these are the kind of people that they're trying to invite to public schools folks, to teach your children. They're inviting this on your taxpayer money bringing these kind of not this kind of a drag queens to children's libraries folks; they're not just talking about grab they're doing it.

Hyung Jin Moon showed a picture of an activist Mommy "Children lying on a Drag Queen" in a public library.

This is at a library folks what the young children doing? Laying on top of a man, that is a stranger man with a penis. Little children are laying on top of him at a public library, because he is a speaker. That is a man dressed up in theater makeup costume. You know, it is like these clowns, they are trying to invite children in. No, we are like Walt Disney; look at me I look like, I am Walt Disney fairy man. That is how they breathe and they had to convicted pedophiles that were in these networks going to libraries on taxpayer dime at these attending these places at the drag queen events: "Oh the homosexual community is so peace and loving. She received death threats for posting this stuff on; death threats from rather you know Nazi gays. Many of the Nazis were actually gay....

See, this is what they try to do with the civilization, by incorporating and bringing in the culture of Satan traditionalism. This is not new, this is not creative, this is not modern; this is ancient; this is traditionalism, the most ancient degree that comes from the ancient serpent himself.

You are going to program these kids from a young age...

Children actually see them, and they cry and the parents say do not cry, do not be intolerant; they are attacking the children for doing a normal thing; because children see something very abnormal. You see something that could be dangerous; there is a man drew there's somebody dressed as a woman with a deeper voice than a lion king is. The guy who did Lion King what's his name what's the name, James Earl Jones right: "Hello children I am your wonderful drag queen".

I mean that should set off alarms in your head say, "Oh normal that doesn't sound like mommy to me kids actually have that response and then they get it in trouble, the parents yell at them for not being tolerant because the cult of liberalism is a culture of Satan traditionalism. They are being heretics. The children their natural mechanism of seeing that is dangerous, is being reprimanded, it has been taking out of them. Now, if you're a child like that, where your mom is brainwashing you to believe that's okay, then let me ask is that child have a higher risk factor of being tricked into potential attacks? If child is being taught to do that to complete strangers, if they dress up in theater makeup, does that increase the risk of that child? ...

The leftist were using taxpayer money to do these events. Thank God for active mining the Christians around who said no and they put him on social media and they stopped these events, after they posted this picture; the library actually took down these pictures, because they realized that's how unbelievably see this was having all these government offices libraries that they're run by these government bureaucrats.

Unfortunately, many of them who have been lied, a lot of them are women. The women's population has been brought into government and put place into all these other places and they've been told that's the real free thing; don't have family, don't have children, don't love your home. ... Serve the government that is where you will be truly fulfilled in life. Like 80% of the public school teachers are the women. ... They were forced to teach a traditionalist Satanist message. ...