Bible Centered Sexual Revolution [3-5]

Notes from video 3 from the Second King Hyung Jin Sean Moon

De-sexualizing God and Religion

(Why Judaism (and then Christianity) Rejected Homosexuality, from Dennis Prager)

"Among the consequences of the un-channeled sex drive is the sexualization of everything—including religion. Unless the sex drive is appropriately harnessed (not squelched) which leads to its own destructive consequences.

This is amazing, the sexual drive can’t be squelched, it has to be appropriately harnessed and that is what God did. He took through his rebellion against Satan traditionalism, He took sexuality and harnessed it and focused it into marriage; He rebelled against "no, no, let us have sex with everything, just have pleasure". He rebelled against the culture that says hedonism, pleasure, Eros and beauty is the height of social values. He says: "no, honor, virtue and marriage will be the height of society. You see how different that it is. It is not pleasure, it is not orgasms, and it is not beauty of the naked forms; that is not the highest things: The highest things is honor! Honor is beautiful, wisdom is beautiful, you see; virtue is beautiful.

Again, women, your wife is beautiful. That is what God says. By the way, all the cultures that embraces homosexuality including Japanese samurai culture, as well any culture that embraces homosexuality becomes inherently misogynistic. He actually starts quoting some of the scholars in ancient Greek studies, and they are saying that actually Greco-Roman culture was actually very hateful with, very misogynistic; they saw women as defiled, they sell them as second class, they saw them as dirty and men's sexual pleasure.

It becomes an inherently misogynistic culture, which sees women as just their dirty flaps; dirty, dirty skin bleeding all the time. They do not understand the beauty of the sexual drive and beauty of their nakedness; right so women got relegated to the periphery of a man's attention in romance. Moreover, what happened, men came into the center, animals came into the center, do you see, and women got pushed out, to the periphery; But by God focusing on marriage and saying: "no, your all of your romance, all of your sexual attention, all of your affection, has to be poured into one woman and your wife. You cannot have any affection or any sexual things to anything outside of her. He lifted the women being on the periphery of just baby factories, He lifted them to the center point of civilizations romance; He lifted them to be the center of man's attention, and not just a baby factory while he is having sex with other men, and young boys and girls, in the Greco-Roman culture; you see.

Therefore, in the end this is how the emphasis on the importance of Godly women, and protecting Godly, that what he talks about in this article. The family unit and Judaism sees the family unit as the base of society; whereas the pagan cultures do not; they are always destroying the society; Incest just cover it up, you have sex with this or that, that's fine; everybody's doing it.

The Bible even says do not sell slaves or sell sheep or animals to pagans, because why they were having sex with; they would rape the animals. Therefore, the Bible even protects animals from being raped from Satan's traditionalism. The Bible even protects animals from being raped by Satan's traditionalism.

You did not learn this in class. Huh, why none learn these in class? You just been told that the Bible is old and ancient and medieval and it is oppressive. No, no, no, no it was oppressive is male homosexual love being pushed to the center of society that is oppressive.

By the way, because they say they identify as a girl; so too does all the attention all the attraction is stripped from women and centers on male-to-male neuroticism. Do you see folks you see how God's radical institution of the family. Was a rebellion and a revolt, it was a sexual revolution; just not in the way that you would bring much to believe very interesting isn't it very interesting?

"Higher religion could not have developed. Thus, the first thing Judaism did was to de-sexualize God: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” by his will, not through any sexual behavior". Remember we study this a couple weeks ago. Mythological creation stories deal with a female God and a masculine God, you know having sex, their procreating, and the rain in his semen, he is fertilizing the earth, and all the babies have been born right. But of course the stories of the Gods is that they also engage in bestiality homosexuality, kidnapping men and he's having sex with animals this guy is the total mess right. Ashtaroth you know, there is all this sex; sex is through the sexuality that the universe is born, not the will of God. Right and so, when people on the pagan culture is looking to the world in the universe, they see nature all they see is sex instead they do not see the artist, they do not see the mind of God, they don't see the purpose of God's intention. All they see is to fake deities doing a porno show in the freaking bed. Therefore, there is no surprise that in those cultures you have all this a deviant sexuality.

I mean if God Almighty is coming down as an animal having sex with women, well then you can have sex with animals, God is doing it; Zeus is chasing his brother's wife and he don't give a crap; he does whatever he does what do you want incest everything do you see.

You thought traditionalism was Christianity and Judaism; you see that is how brainwashed you are. You did not realize that is traditionalism; it is exactly what they are teaching in universities, that is the real traditionalism and it is destructive okay.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” by his will, not through any sexual behavior. This was an utterly radical break with all other religions, and it alone changed human history. The gods of virtually all civilizations engaged in sexual relations. In the Near East, the Babylonian god Ishtar seduced a man, Gilgamesh, the Babylonian hero. In Egyptian religion, the god Osiris had sexual relations with his sister, the goddess Isis, and she conceived the god Horus. In Canaan, El, the chief god, had sex with Asherah. In Hindu belief, the god Krishna was sexually active, having had many wives and pursuing Radha; the god Samba, son of Krishna, seduced mortal women and men. In Greek beliefs, Zeus married Hera, chased women, abducted the beautiful young male, Ganymede, and masturbated at other times; Poseidon married Amphitrite, pursued Demeter, and raped Tantalus. In Rome, the gods sexually pursued both men and women".

This was a norm; this was the gods; you see. Now would a Gerry Epstein loved this Pantheon? Which one would he be angry with? Which one would the pedophile networks of Bill Clinton tea with a hint Agartha Bible or would they hate what they hate these people.

Because these gods say go head, you're empowered do whatever you want; who would that be with a big honor saying okay unison so Bill Clinton all these pedophiles Epstein's the pedophile he's actually was arrested again and tried to commit suicide but … .

All these pedophiles in their networks, torturing children. All this kind of crazy lasciviousness is evil wicked. you understand, you understand they're the gods that they love you know that in their little you know five million dollar apartments, they've got little statues of Osiris; and little Egyptian statues of rah; and then an you know clean and architecture and art they say this is beautiful art, I'm just the collector.

No, no see this part of your religion. It is part of your religion, you see. You are collecting artifacts from your sex called religion of a satanic traditionalism, you are a fundamentalist in your traditionalism, and you rebel against the real sexual revolution that protects children, protects women and protects the sexuality of humanity; that is the real sexual revolution. That is the real revolt against this ocean; this ocean of civilizations that do this.

"Given the sexual activity of the gods, it is not surprising that the religions themselves were replete with all forms of sexual activity. In the ancient Near Fast and elsewhere, priests deflowered virgins prior to engaging in relations with their husbands, and sacred or ritual prostitution was almost universal. Psychiatrist and sexual historian Norman Sussman describes the situation thus: “Male and female prostitutes, serving temporarily or permanently and performing heterosexual, homosexual oral-genital, bestial, and other forms of sexual activities, dispense their favors in behalf of the temple.”

The temple which is what subsidized by what the government. Therefore, the government's do push our religion, they call it ideology was really a religion it is a police officer, it is a belief system, you could all the people that are, you know that are LGBT. They do not like Christianity, they hate the Bible, they rail against it; but they want to have every artifact of every civilization, celebrating you know deviant sex and well that's art, it's an art gallery. No, their paintings are praised to see over there or sculptures of a satanic civilization, satanic traditionalism: that is what those people, they represent satanic traditionalism, not modernism, not progressive tradition; the left they hate the word traditionalist.

They have to start being called traditionalists, they are traditionalists; they are the traditionalists, they are the satanic traditionalists. God is the modernist; God is the one that builds this kind of incredible culture that protects man, woman and the child. He use the rebellion, he is the rebel against Satan and the domination of that demonic cultures.

”Throughout the ancient Near East, from very early times, anal intercourse formed a part of goddess worship. In ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Canaan, annual ceremonial intercourse took place between the king and a priestess."

There is also in China as well; China spring rituals. New Year festivals, all incorporated sexuality. Any culture you see, this was the traditionalism folks. This is what you grew up in, this is what you all knew, this is what your generations had practiced, this was traditionalism, but God made a revolution against.

"Women prostitutes had intercourse with male worshippers in the sanctuaries"

By the way, the women prostitutes were trafficked into sex prostitution. They did not choose to do that. After they have been raped thousands of times, they were traumatized that much. Now, they believe that they are choosing right; but you know they are so traumatized; they are so damaged. Because it mean rape since they're five years old, that they don't know any other way; I mean we just had a native of Craig's lawyer he's coming to the robbery for us where he's a pedophile hunter a Navy Seal and he says it's real.

"... and temples of ancient Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Cyprus, Corinth, Carthage, Sicily, Egypt, Libya, West Africa, and ancient and modern India."

Everywhere, everywhere in the ancient world. Cultic prostitution is not an isolated thing; it is everywhere, because why? There is no end to Satan's traditionalism and his sexual values; there is no end, no end.