Bible Centered Sexual Revolution [2-5]

Notes from video 2 from the Second King Hyung Jin Sean Moon

Do you see, this is a Real Sexual Revolution

Continuing to read Leviticus

Leviticus 18

17. “‘Do not have sexual relations with both a woman and her daughter. Do not have sexual relations with either her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter; they are her close relatives. That is wickedness.

So you will not have a woman and then try to rape her daughter otherwise you will die. You see this. Why? Because it was a culture? It is fine, this was a culture that was okay; rebellion

18. Do not take your wife’s sister as a rival wife and have sexual relations with her while your wife is living.

Neither you should take a wife sister; you see the man will lust even after his wife's sister. That is traditional Satanism. In traditional humankind’s culture, that is done. See all first Fathers' they want to go back to traditionalism. You see that, they are not the ancient ones; they are not new thinking at all, they are very old thinking.

19. “Do not approach a woman to have sexual relations during the uncleanness of her monthly period.

Okay, it is about menstruation periods, it could also be if the woman is in the unclean period.

Oh, wow! You see, look like the neighbor's wife not related to you. I relieved you, but still God says do not touch your neighbors wife, do not even think about it. God is setting up the rebellion, a revolt what we call a revolution against the normalize practices of traditional Satanism in the culture, isn't that interesting.

21. “And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire of Moloch, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord

Okay so here again, you will not participate in child sacrifice, which means burning your children up right. This is part of the sexual revolution. We are going to start protecting children from sex trafficking, from cultic prostitution and of course from being burned alive.

22. “Thou shalt not lie a lie with mankind as with womankind it is all abomination

Now what does this mean? Homosexuality it is what? “toʿevah”, it means abomination. I mean abomination it is the most sense serious word in the Bible the most condemning word so notice you said all those you shall not do but I look at it in verse 22 he says you shall not engage in homosexual behavior or that is what? toʿevah, it is abomination. Why is that? Why the Judaism and you know Judeo-Christian culture, why did they stood up and rejected homosexuality? By the way, which was not common in the ancient world, every culture accepted homosexuality.

Let us go to that article; this is one of the great article. By the way, if you want to read more into this, by Dennis Prager and it is called why Judaism and then Christianity rejected homosexuality? By doing so, how they protected the rights of women and they ended up protecting of course the rights of children. It was a sexual revolution, against the destructive abusive traditionalism of Satanism, which would destroy society.

Let us look at the article. This is a phenomenal article. By the way now let's read it together

When Judaism demanded that all sexual activity be channeled into marriage, it changed the world. The Torah’s prohibition of non-marital sex quite simply made the creation of Western civilization possible. Societies that did not place boundaries around sexuality were stymied in their development. The subsequent dominance of the Western world can largely be attributed to the sexual revolution initiated by Judaism and later carried forward by Christianity.

This revolution consisted of forcing the sexual genie into the marital bottle. It ensured that sex no longer dominated society, heightened male-female love and sexuality (and thereby almost alone created the possibility of love and eroticism within marriage), and began the arduous task of elevating the status of women.

Interesting okay let's keep going

It is probably impossible for us, who live thousands of years after Judaism began this process, to perceive the extent to which undisciplined sex can dominate man’s life and the life of society. Throughout the ancient world, and up to the recent past in many parts of the world, sexuality infused virtually all of society.

Human sexuality, especially male sexuality, is polymorphous or utterly wild (far more so than animal sexuality). Men have had sex with women and with men; with little girls and young boys; with a single partner and in large groups; …

Ok now, look this is get explicit. This is a reality in history. Ok and now this is going to get into some stuff that obviously your parents should be talking to you about. Ok so, if they are not talking about it you are giving that away by giggling because if you kick all you are telling me that your parents are not talking to you about this.

Which is a shame on your parents. Okay is that true? That is a shame on your parents. Your parents should be talking to you about this stuff, right. Ask any one of our children if we talk about this stuff to our children. What do you think they are going to say? What do you think?

So, pay attention this is a very important historical study.

So men is polymorphous, you understand. Everybody, remember that word polymorphous? That means they want to do it with everything; many forms, they want to do with everything, okay. Animate and inanimate. All right? Again, this is not the things, which people have to understand, this is the existing culture of the day.

With total strangers, the men have sex with women and little girls and boy’s single partner, and large group. With total strangers and immediate family members and with domesticated animals, okay have they have achieved orgasm with immediately animate objects such as leather, shoes or the Pete.

Of course there is even on the Queen and the lion TV; She showed that there is people who are so mentally deranged they are trying to have sex with automobiles; there is pictures of it caught on parking garage cameras. You understand anything that gives them a sense of admiration; they want to have sex, with. This is the state of affairs of traditionalism of humankind that is not connected to God.

God is the one who made the revolution, against this kind of satanic traditions. God is the one who initiated the rebellion.

By the way this this is not only here, because even if you look at a Buddhist Vinaya which is the Buddhist monastic code, the monks code.

There is all sorts you can have sex with, a sock eye socket of a skull, because the Buddhist monks were trying to have sex with the ice hockey of a skull. Anything that is in the actual traditional view now so, it is because most people are uneducated and they are very ignorant that they do not think this thing's happen.

No, if you're really educated you'll know how deceitful and decrepit man is, you'll see how a traditional manhood traditionalism Satan, insane has been so wicked across cultures, not only in Western world, no, across cultures.

By dressing in women's garments; by watching other human beings being tortured by fondling children of either sex; by listening to a woman's disembodied voice like phone sex;

You understand this is why people are so uneducated. You never learn about this in your education, which is the reason why in higher education you have an eight times more likelihood of becoming a lesbian, eight times becoming a lesbian engaged in homosexual acts. Because they tell my social sexual experimentation, but they never tell you this crap; you are not trying anything new, you are trying something very, very, ancient, old, and nasty; you are not creative; you are an Ancientist.

IPhone sex and of course by looking at pictures of bodies or parts of bodies.

Fetishism, pornography; men will look at a woman's wrist and be you know you understand? or like a woman's toe or something, you understand?

There is a little animate or inanimate that has not excited some man to orgasm.

This is the state of reality, which you girls do not understand; you girls do not get it and so you do not understand what predators are. You have no clue; you have no idea what kind of lascivious nest is going on their brain; you have no idea. Girls are so brainwashed, you have no idea into the inner recesses of man's deviant traditionalist sexuality. You want to believe the lie of, what is her name. What is the feminists’ name? Steinem! She is saying the marriage is the deathbed of freedom; no, no, you are the deathbed of freedom, by believing in Satanist traditionalism; you are the death of freedom, not marriage.

"Of course not all of these practices have been condoned by society's parent child incest and seducing another man's wife have rarely being countenanced but many have and all illustrate what done channeled or in Freudian terms, the "un-sublimated, sex drive can lead to.