Bible Centered Sexual Revolution [1-5]

Notes from video 1 from the Second King Hyung Jin Sean Moon

The whole world is on the brink of disaster.

We are on the verge of a moral implosion, ethical collapse.

The goal of the sexual revolution was to destroy and redefine what the Bible says about God’s design for sexuality.

The ramifications of the sexual revolution and the sex-crazed culture we live in are materially evident today,

Like the normalization of pornography, the acceptance of adultery, the regularity of sexual immorality, the standardization of homosexuality.

What is most alarming is that the desensitization of sexual perversion does not seem to shock us. It does not upset us. It does not offend our consciences. We are, inundated with sexual sin, inside and outside the church.

These words are from Daniel Dickard, American Pastor

Now in this short video we will hear about the God’s Centered Sexual Revolution by the Second King Hyung Jin Sean moon, and it is not a joke

Leviticus 18 1-26

This is a real Sexual Revolution

They try to bully you, into putting a seed in your brain, in your mind think “Oh, Oh well, well, well maybe I am gay”. You see what I am saying. this is what they w ant. They want to put that seed in into your children. That is what they want to do. So that's why they have them isolated in a public school surrounded by other kids that will do the same thing, seeding them all the time with false identities of themselves; evil identities, because they want to destroy them. So this very important you know, before these kids went to public school, I told them they would encounter these drugs. Alcohol. Kids may try to assault them sexually, rape them, you know, take advantage.

Do not do incest.

You shall observe my judgments and keep my ordinances to walk in them and I, I am the Lord your God. I sit down with them.

Now when the Bible talks about uncovering the nakedness, what it is that? This is sexual relations. So now, this is where the sexual revolution is beginning, okay?

God is saying do not do incest.

You have to protect your children.

Daddy and mom are supposed to protect the children, not raped them.

This is a sexual revolution. Why? Because in the ancient world, incest was, normalized, was, okay. I remember the edifice complex. In the ancient Greek mythology, you sleep with a mother, okay. Incest was rampant in a sense that was the norm. That was the modern period. You understand when all these, and then we kill it goes into more sexual deviance, okay?

This was the culture of the time, this was the normal, you understand.

The protection of the family, the protection of children and the protection of these family relationships. This was a revolution. This was a revolution against the existing cultures.

Now the modern world, they try to confuse young kids and government schools telling the opposite and Christian traditionalism is what we need to be liberated from and the sexual revolution is being freed from Judaea Christian culture and engaging in whatever sex you want. Being happy and being seeking pleasure for yourself. This is the opposite.

No, no, no. Judeo Christian values. That was the sexual revolution against the ancient pagan, mystic sexual lasciviousness. It was the rebellion. What is untraditional is a protection of the family and husband and wife. That is very untraditional. They teach the opposite.

You see this; do not touch your sister even if it is from another mommy. Why? Because the real state of traditional humankind has been to touch the sister, it was the traditional values of humankind. God is not setting up a rebellion He is setting up a sexual revolution; I love that phraseology, is so powerful. A sexual revolution against pagan traditionalism or satanic traditionalist.

Verse10; “You shall not uncover the nakedness of thy son's daughter or the nakedness of your son's daughter or thy daughter’s daughter”.

Now, does this mean you cannot change their diapers? No, that is not what that is. He is talking about engaging in sexual activity with them. Why? Because in traditional human values after the fall, that is what happens. There is no end to the seriousness of man and the lust of his heart. No end.

Therefore, what is God doing? He is setting up a revolution against this traditionalism.

“The nakedness of thy father’s wife’s daughter, begotten of thy father, she is your sister; you shall not uncover her nakedness”.

I understand there is crazy people that are trying to rape their nephews and nieces or even their children, right? However, obviously it is not of fun. It is of traditional satanic values. Can you see how that is traditionalism? Yeah. They are the ones that believe in traditionalism of satanic nature of course, but it is still traditionalism. What can I say? It existed from the fall. This is the sexual revolution against satanic traditions.

“You shall not uncover the nakedness of thy mother’s sister; for she is thy mother’s near kinswoman”.

“You shall not uncover the nakedness of thy father’s brother, thou shalt no approach to his wife; she is thine aunt.

By the way, all of these lists of behaviors were supported by the state in Asian world, by cultic, temple prostitution and the sex trafficking of children. It is real sex trafficking children under the guise of government.

Verse 15; “You shall not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter in law; she is thy son’s wife; you shall no uncover her nakedness”.

Verse 16; “You shall not uncover the nakedness of thy brother’s wife; it is thy brother’s nakedness.

Having sex with your brother's wife is like raping your brother. You are evil and you are wicked. This is a total rebellion against Satan's traditionalism. Oh, my Lord have mercy. This is a real sexual revolution.