It is important for us to understand that the 2nd King is following Father’s Guidance!

It is important for us to understand that the 2nd King is following Father’s Guidance!

Rhema: Cheon Seong Gyeong Ch. 6: True Parents and us, p 236-237.

“Through the fall, Satan took away all humankind. He carried them all off to hell. From among those who were taken away God separates people out one by one. This world used to be a wild olive tree in the satanic world, but God has turned it into a heavenly olive tree. God made Christianity in the democratic world be a wild olive tree on the heavenly side, so it could lead the world.

When the satanic world weakens and the Christian cultural realm is established, the Lord will come at his Second Advent, cut them off all at once, engraft them completely, make them one, and turn them around. Today, the left wing has perished, and the right wing has almost collapsed. Who brought this about? God and True Parents did. Families who have become one with True Parents inherited True Parents’ path, so they should be strong and courageous wherever they are in the world.

Then, just as God and this universe protect me, it will protect them, and winning the heart of a nation will be no problem.”

Thank You Father for these words!

I am reminded this morning by this rhema, of the importance of the Christian foundation, which the 2nd King has understood and is seeking to restore. The 2nd King is working right now to restore all of Christianity which is still faithful to Christ, in other words Christianity which is still waiting for his 2nd Coming.

Much of Christianity unfortunately is not waiting for his 2 nd Coming. They have explained it away. They say, “Oh! You know when the Holy Spirit came back in the 1st century that was the 2nd Coming!” They have various ways of explaining this away, that the 2nd Coming is not going to happen, that all the things in Revelation, they all refer to things that happened in the Roman period and are not relevant today. They have justified their loss of hope in Jesus’ coming.

Those are like the brides that let their oil run out, saying, ”Oh! He is not going to come. We might as well keep our lamps burning!”

But there are Christians who still are waiting for the 2nd Coming, who say, ”We don’t know when he is going to come. He may come tomorrow.” 2

Some of them have been given a false sense of hope; a false understanding through this rapture theology, which as the King says was perpetrated especially by the Rockefellers and other globalists as a way to prevent Christians from being involved in the day to day politics and the management of the nation and the world. But that can be corrected.

The essential thing is that people have hope and expectation in the 2nd Coming. People who have lost this expectation are no longer the salt of the earth. They are no longer the light on the hill.

But Christians who have this expectation, they are the foundation on which the Messiah comes, and it is with that foundation that the 2 nd King is working to unite right now, to inherit that foundation. This is the important thing that is happening today.

Some people criticize him for emphasizing the Bible and everything like that.

But he is not guided by people who criticize him in that way. He is guided by what? He is guided by Father. The Second King is guided by Father. This is not a democracy! This is not a democracy! We are all following our True Father who still lives today- who still lives today- and who still conducts the providence today in both the spiritual and the physical world.

And when he conducts his providence in the physical world he uses the 2 nd King as his tool; as his tool! That is an amazing thing to watch!

People can have their own opinions; they are free to have their own opinions, but the 2 nd King has to follow Father’s guidance, not the guidance of someone who is posting on Facebook or elsewhere or putting up videos on You Tube.

Not that guidance, but Father’s guidance that he receives through prayer and inspiration!

Father has the ability to guide him; and if he were going in the wrong direction, Father would have the ability to correct that direction. Father does not have to put a video on You Tube to do that. He does not have to make a post on Facebook to do that. He goes directly to the King and corrects him.

It is important for us to understand that the 2nd King is following Father’s guidance.

Yes, we can offer our opinions, we can offer our suggestions, we can offer our recommendations, but the buck stops with him. It is his decision based on his inspiration and based on his connection with Father.

I remember one of Father’s earliest calligraphies,” The root of the universe is the father-son relationship!” Sometimes it is translated into English as the parent-child relationship but that is unfortunate, because actually it is not correct. It is the father-son relationship.

Right now it is the father-son relationship between True Father and the 2nd King that is actually the core access of the universe, of the entire cosmos; of the entire cosmos! That is what the world is running on; that is what the world is revolving around!

So we are not like another church; we are not like another organization because we are working in the context of that core relationship.

When Father matched me, I had an amazing experience that lasted just one split second. When Father came to where I was sitting and looked at me, I could feel him looking right through me and into my ancestors and everything and for that split second I could feel the entire universe focused on me; for that one split second! That was an amazing thing!

But Father right now, not just for one split second but continuously, is focusing on the 2nd King to guide and to show him the path, one step at a time.

And for those who are with him, who are working with him, it’s important to support that; to support him in traveling the path that Father lays out for him one step at a time; it’s important for us to help him follow Father’s guidance. Not to try to pull him away from that, but to help him follow Father’s guidance!

And those who are trying to pull him away, maybe they are serving a purpose as well. Maybe they are making him stronger in that sense.

But it is not a wise course from your own perspective, is it, if you are trying to detract or to undermine that relationship between father and son? That is not a very wise thing to do!

It is probably not a very good life choice, to try to come between True Father and his son, his appointed heir and successor; to try to undermine the King’s determination and the King’s commitment to follow his father’s guidance.

I would say that it is not a very good life choice for those of you who are making that choice. No! That is not something that I would like to try and do!

Thank you very much Father for those words that You have given us this morning through the Bible and also through the Cheon Seong Gyeong!