Han mother erased Father’s words

Han mother erased Father’s words, because they did not fit “Han Mother Theology of the Only Begotten daughter without original sin”

Father made the book Cheon Seong Gyeong, and his words about it were very serious he said: "Cheon Seong Gyeong is a very dreadful word. Any person, a third person, nobody can touch (or change) the Cheon Seong Gyeong. That's why new denominations will not arise."

The Selected Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Vol. 447-83, 4.30. 2004.

After Father died Mother violated Father's desire by making a book with the exact same title. Normally, when a new book is produced with the same title it is assumed that it is just a new edition, but the content is expected to be the same. The FFWPU leaders always say that it is the same content, but it was produced to take out repetitions in Father's words.

However, this is not true! Mother deleted parts of it!

One example can be found on page 1179 of the original book in the section 'Selecting True Mother'.

Father explains that after the second world war, if Christianity had accepted him, on this foundation he would not have gone through the hardships. And he said that Sun Kil Choi, his first wife would have been True Mother, and if she could not fulfil that role, then it would be a member of the British Royal family. In other words anyone can become True Mother. But whoever has that role, it is their responsibility to fulfil it and reach perfection.

Mother deleted this part because it does not fit in with her own new theology, about herself being the "Sinless Only Begotten Daughter". Mother recently has been claiming that she was born without original sin, and that she was destined to be True Mother. But as Father said, if Sun Kil Choi fulfilled her mission, Hak Ja Han would not be called to that position and so would not be True Mother!

If you delete a part of an author's writings because you do not like it, you change the whole meaning; it then is no longer the original author's writings. If you bought a book by a well-known writer that, you are interested in, but when you got home, you found out that the wife of the author, deleted parts she did not agree with, what would you do? You probably would get your money back and look for the untampered original version of the book. If the writings of any great person were changed or deleted after their death, this would not be accepted in any society. However, this was done to True Father, the Second Coming of Christ in our time! This is a disgrace!

Jesus said that, if we love him we must keep his words (John 14:15; John 14: 23). Jesus also said in Matthew 10:37 that we must love him more than our fathers, mothers, sons, or daughters, or we are not worthy of him. Many Christians have practiced this love for Jesus, and they have kept his words, they did not change the Bible, they followed the warning in Revelations 22: 18-19 for 2,000 years. If we love Father, we could not support the person who is betraying him. Mother changed not only Father's words, but every tradition he left behind. As it stands, many Christians love Jesus and his words more than we love Father and his words. As long as this fact remains, we are not worthy of Father and his spirit will not be with us".

By Peter Daly