Engl 12 4/29/24

Mon, Apr 29, 2024

Journal: Do not write the prompt in your journal!

Why does Darnay not reveal his true identity to Mr. Lorry? Why does he

feel compelled to risk his life by going to Paris to rescue Gabelle? Write

a page explaining these things and showing your comprehension of

these important plot elements.


Tue, Apr 30, 2024


Journal: Do not write the prompt in your journal.

The concept of “collateral damage” has been around as long as warfare.

When a military objective needs to be met, often the lives of civilians

do not seem to matter—many are killed and thousands are displaced.

Freewrite for ten minutes on this topic, considering the pros and cons of

how war is handled. Make sure you tie it to the novel.

Wed, May 1, 2024


Thu, May 2, 2024


Is the title of the book fully appropriate? Why or why not? Use details to

back up your viewpoint. What is another title that would fit the book? Write 

explaining why your new title is good, or even better than the original.


Fri, May 3, 2024