Literary Criticism Capstone Essay
Literary Criticism Capstone Essay
Literary Criticism Capstone Essay
All components of the paper must be completed using the provided Google Docs assigned in Google Classroom. Other formats will not be accepted. DUE DATES ARE POSTED A MONTH IN ADVANCE; LATE WORK WILL HAVE A DEDUCTION.
All components of the paper must be completed using the provided Google Docs assigned in Google Classroom. Other formats will not be accepted. DUE DATES ARE POSTED A MONTH IN ADVANCE; LATE WORK WILL HAVE A DEDUCTION.
Step 1-Topic Selection and Thesis Creation
Step 1-Topic Selection and Thesis Creation
- Browse through articles relating to your topic using JSTOR Database (Login ID= covenantday Password Hint= the "old school" name for the Student Learning Commons)
- Use "Advanced Search," Use Quotation Marks around the title of the text you are searching, use specific character names or "Big Idea" topics with the "and" option, & choose "articles."
Step 2-Note-Taking & Source Handout (Quiz Grade) Due Friday, April 22nd before class begins!
Step 2-Note-Taking & Source Handout (Quiz Grade) Due Friday, April 22nd before class begins!
- Complete the Note-Taking Chart using the database sources (JSTOR)and remember to copy and paste your sources onto the bottom of this sheet.
- JSTOR Trick: Download the document, click "Command/Control F" and then you can search for your word/topic (family, education, madness, etc.) in the article. All results will be highlighted.
Step 3-Outline (Quiz Grade) Due Fri., April 29th- must be finished before class begins!
Step 3-Outline (Quiz Grade) Due Fri., April 29th- must be finished before class begins!
- Using your completed notes, create an outline using the Sample Outline. This will take you the most time, but it will make your paper extremely easy to write.
Step 4-First Draft (Major Assessment Grade) Due Fri., May 6th (Because of AP exams, you will have workdays the week of May 2nd-6th. EVERYONE is responsible for turning their paper in on Friday. If you have an AP exam on Friday, plan in advance!)
Step 4-First Draft (Major Assessment Grade) Due Fri., May 6th (Because of AP exams, you will have workdays the week of May 2nd-6th. EVERYONE is responsible for turning their paper in on Friday. If you have an AP exam on Friday, plan in advance!)
- To create the first draft of your research paper, copy your completed outline into the Sample MLA Paper
- Delete any elements of the outline structure (Roman Numerals, alphabetical letters, headings, etc.).
- It should have a Works Cited page (always on its own page on the very last page of research paper; copy and paste the citations from your Note-Taking & Source Sheet in alphabetical order to create your Work Cited).
- Length Requirements: Honors 10-12 pages
- Submit paper to Fix any flagged plagiarism errors; resubmit.
Step 5-Self/Peer Editing (Week of May 9th-13th)
Step 5-Self/Peer Editing (Week of May 9th-13th)
Step 6-Submission of Final Draft (Final Exam Grade) Due Friday, May 20th by 11:59 p.m
Step 6-Submission of Final Draft (Final Exam Grade) Due Friday, May 20th by 11:59 p.m
- Make corrections from the peer editing
Additional Resources:
Additional Resources: