Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech

Nouns: Name a person, place, thing, or idea.

    1. Flowers, car, tree, peace, Mr. Barnes, Alaska

Pronoun: Used in place of a noun such as he, she, it, we, him, her, mine, yours, theirs, everyone, anyone, herself, them.

    1. Mrs. Spriggs brought her bag to school.

    2. Jason has a headache. He is staying home.

    3. The dog lost its bone.

Verbs: Show physical or mental action or state of being

    1. Action Verbs: Ran, spoke, slept, ate, hiking, swim

Helping Verbs: A verb that is used with another verb to express person, number, mood, or tense.

  1. is sleeping, should study, will ask, are eating, were sleeping, was tired

Adjectives: Describe a noun or pronoun, telling what kind, how many, or which one.

    1. Smelly socks, tasty treat, beautiful sunset, warm embrace, that tree

Adverbs: Describe/modify verbs, adverbs, and adjectives by telling where, how, when, or to what extent.

    1. She slept quietly.

    2. He ran fast.

    3. The man was very tall.

    4. She is going out tonight.

Conjunctions: Join clauses or lists of items such as And, but, for, so, yet, or

    1. We were tired, but we continued on the trail.

    2. We were tired, so we took a nap.

    3. She bought fruit, bread, and milk from the store.

Conjunctive Adverbs: Adverbs that connect clauses such as however, therefore, for example, for instance

    1. For example, she will only eat cookies.

    2. We were late; therefore, we had to get a note from the office.

    3. You should eat your veggies; however, it is important to also eat fruit.

Interjections: Show emotion

    1. Ouch! The stove is hot!

    2. Whew! I’m glad that test is over!

    3. Yikes! He went by fast!

Prepositions: Show relationships of a noun or pronoun to another word.

    1. The squirrel climbed up the tree, over the branches, and down the trunk.

    2. The plane flew through the sky, above the clouds, between the birds, and beneath the sun.

    3. Grandma’s house is over the bridge and through the woods.