English II Syllabus

GHHS English II/ Honors English II Syllabus

Course Description

English II and Honors English II students will use literature to explore different cultures, make connections to their own culture, and consider their place in a diverse global community. Students will enhance their critical thinking, research, writing, speaking, and listening skills, and will increase their mastery of grammar and vocabulary.

We will study texts from a great number of ancient and contemporary world cultures, including those of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and North and South America. Students will read a variety of literature, including poetry, short stories, essays, nonfiction, and examples of culturally sacred/mythic texts.

The course places great emphasis on writing, including informative/explanatory, narrative, and argumentative essays. English II is an EOC course, so at the end of the semester, students will take the state of North Carolina’s End-of-Course Exam, which is 20% of their final grade.

As you know, English II is a requirement for graduation. Our English II classrooms are heterogeneous, or classrooms in which honors and academic students are taught together. As a part of this arrangement, students will receive differentiated instruction appropriate to the course they are taking. So, while all students will be held to high standards and will have the same overall learning objectives, at times they will be given different activities and assignments to practice these objectives and to demonstrate their mastery of learning. Please note: standards will not be lowered for honors-level students, and academic-level students will not be given honors-level work unless they are also provided the extra support and guidance appropriate for an academic class. Rather, each student will be provided with activities, tools, and strategies specific to their level in hopes of helping all students master the Common Core State Standards.

Course Objectives

English II focuses on world literature with a strong emphasis in writing. At the end of this course, you would be able to:

  • Read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, poetry, and nonfiction of varying lengths
  • examine works of world literature in a culture context and appreciate the diversity and complexity of world issues
  • Use textual evidence to support analysis
  • Identify key ideas in the text to support understanding
  • Identify authorial choices, including word choice and structure, to convey meaning
  • Analyze ideas and themes across texts and mediums
  • Compare information across sources
  • Use supporting information in writing
  • Gather and report information in writing
  • Revise and publish writing of varying lengths
  • Participate and communicate effectively in collaborative discussions
  • Present information clearly
  • Make strategic use of digital media to enhance presentations
  • Acquire and use vocabulary
  • Demonstrate command of standard English grammar and usage

Class Policies

1. Be respectful to your peers, teacher, and classroom.

2. Come to class prepared and on-time every day and actively participate.

3. Adhere to the Honor Code. Academic fraud, dishonesty, and/or negligence will NOT be tolerated.

4. Students must follow all county and schools rules found in the Student Handbook. All GHHS and Wake County Public School rules will be enforced.

Violations of any of these rules will result in consequences such as parent contacts, lunch detentions, and/or disciplinary referrals to school administration.

Digital Class Expectations

It is the student’s responsibility to check all digital class resources on a daily basis. Per Wake County policy, I can only communicate electronically via my WCPSS e-mail address, and students can only communicate electronically with me via their school-issued e-mail addresses. Students should visit the media center if they need help with their WCPSS e-mail account.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Green Hope High School is a BYOD school. While increasing in-class technology integration, it is important to note that there will be specific expectations and requirements for all technology use in the classroom.

First and foremost, student devices should only be used for educational purposes. Furthermore, technology will only be permitted during teacher-designated time periods. Inappropriate and/or irresponsible use (e.g., use of devices at inappropriate/undesignated times, misuse of technology, etc.) will result in disciplinary action. Specific guidelines and expectations for appropriate technology use will be discussed in class.

GHHS Tardy Policy

1st tardy = teacher warning to student.

2nd tardy = teacher warning and parent contact.

3rd tardy = teacher assigned lunch detention (during tutorial time)

4th tardy = referral to administration

Absences and Make-Up Work

When a student is absent, it is HIS/HER responsibility to find out what was missed, to schedule make-up tests/quizzes, and to make up assignments: Assignments/ Assessments that were assigned prior to your absence will be due when you return; If you missed new material, you have two days to complete and submit the assignment.

Assessment & Grading Policies

  • Homework and Classwork (13% of the total grade)
  • Tutorials (2%): two tutorials per quarter are required of each student, regardless of grade
  • Minor Grades (30% of the total grade): Includes quizzes, shorter projects, first/revised drafts of most essays, and various other smaller assignments.
  • Major Grades (55% of the total grade): Includes tests, longer projects, and final drafts of most essays.

Late Work

No homework/classwork (those assignments worth 15% of the student’s grade) will be accepted late. Major and minor assessments may be turned in late with a 10% grade deduction for each day past the due date with a 40% cap.

Grading Scale:

A=90-100 %

B=80-89 %

C=70-79 %

D=60-69 %

F=0-59 %

Final Course Grade (this is an EOC course):

-First/Third Quarter--40%

-Second/Fourth Quarter--40%

-EOC Final Exam--20%

Accessing Student Grades

Parents and students can access student grades through Home Base and are encouraged to do so regularly. Visit the Wake County Public School System website for information on how to access Home Base: http://www.wcpss.net/parents/homebase

Extra Credit Assignments

The Green Hope High School Grading Committee, based on the recommendation of the faculty and staff, endorses the belief that extra credit and bonus points will no longer be incorporated into our grading practices. Research has proven that extra credit and bonus points distort a student's record of achievement. As evidence of our continued pursuit of excellence, Green Hope High School will offer Additional Opportunities to Demonstrate Mastery. These opportunities will allow students to master material that has previously presented challenges.

Green Hope Honor Code

Green Hope High School is a school community that is committed to integrity and excellence in academics and in personal accountability. Because of this commitment, it is imperative that all members of the Green Hope High School community embody personal honor, personal integrity, and personal responsibility. Therefore, it is expected that each person at Green Hope High School will uphold the honor code and will refrain from the following:

Plagiarism and copying: Plagiarism is the use of words, ideas, and/or information that is not your own. Copying includes using another person’s work as your own. Copying is not limited to “word for word” action, but can also apply to reading another person’s idea and paraphrasing his or her idea as your own. Copying applies not only to formal assessments but also to homework and in-class work.

Cheating: Numerous behaviors will be considered cheating. Some of these areas include, but are not limited to, the following: using cheat sheets; using former students’ notebooks; using internet resources without citing them as appropriate sources; misrepresenting something as being real and actual; using cell phones to create images of tests, quizzes, and/or other assignments; and text messaging with other students regarding a test or quiz. The use of technology in cheating can occur on small assignments such as homework assignments as well as on more formal tests, essays, and projects. Students can be guilty of cheating if they give out or are in receipt of the material.

Discussions of material: Discussions of tests and quizzes with other students when it is not specifically allowed by the teacher and when it is intended to give an unfair advantage to that student are prohibited under the Green Hope High School Honor Code.

Lying and fraudulent behavior: Lying and fraudulent behavior occurs when one intentionally deceives another through words, actions, or omissions.

Veracity and integrity of work: All work must be completed by that individual to whom it was assigned. A parent, friend, or tutor cannot complete the work for the student. The work or the project must be under the “direct control” of the student and not under the control of the parent, friend, or tutor. Inappropriate help occurs when suggestions and/or support provided exceeds the help and guidance a teacher might give in class or during a tutorial session.

Special Note on Cheating/Plagiarism

Cheating on class assignments will not be tolerated. Plagiarism is a form of cheating that occurs when a student presents the words or ideas of others as if they were his or her own. Inadequately paraphrasing, summarizing, and/or failing to properly credit the source of information used in an essay or project can be considered plagiarism. Students in this course will be required to use MLA format for citing and documenting all sources used in their writing. This policy applies to the use of examples, paraphrases, summaries, and direct quotations taken from any source, including course literature.

Green Hope Honor Code Violation Consequences (as of 8/15):

1st Infraction

· Student gets a zero - with an opportunity to take an alternate assignment that they must complete within two days of the offer.

· The student will be given 60% credit for the alternate assignment.

2nd Infraction

· Student gets a zero but is offered an alternate assignment that must be completed within two days of the offer.

· The student will be given 50% credit for the alternate assignment.

3rd Infraction

· The student will receive a zero for the assignment.

Tutorials and Extra Help

All students are required to attend two tutorials per quarter for each class at Green Hope High School. Participation in tutorials is worth 2% of the student’s quarterly grade. Students who are failing may be required to attend more tutorials at the teacher’s discretion.

Mrs. Spriggs' Tutorials are MONDAYS for the full lunch period; you may come to A or B (or both) during the lunch period. You must sign in; you must stay the designated time.

Students who need extra help beyond what is available during tutorial should speak with their teacher before or after class.