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Natures Remede

Local Resident Makes an All-Natural Skincare Product

Cathie Gasper makes and sells an all-natural skincare product that quickly heals cuts, bruises, burns, and acne.

Treats Natural Pet Marketplace has named Natures Remede a “Miracle in a Jar” since 2014. Mineral resident Cathie Gasper formulated the versatile skincare product in 2009 to successfully treat a severe and intractable systemic poison ivy rash she suffered from after moving back to Mineral.

In the years since it was formulated, Natures Remede has relieved a panorama of skin conditions in people and animals, including deep cuts, severe burns, serious rashes, acne, and even disfigurement from bites. Many vets use it regularly to treat their customers’ animals.

Cathie, who grew up in Mineral but has lived most of her adult life in Nebraska, is the daughter of Jim and Lea (“Fifi”) Spliethof. She is married to Rick Gasper and the mother of two daughters, Crystal and Jessi. She has served as Secretary of the Mineral County Water District since June of 2018.

A completely safe, all-natural product, Natures Remede includes ingredients such as aloe vera gel, tea tree essential oil, frankincense, and myrrh. For more information or to order, see

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