Latest News Updates: Water Conservation June 2024  |  July 2024  |  August 2024

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View and download to print the community-created Meter Reading Chart to record previous and current meter readings in order to calculate usage frequently. Access the chart here.

Water Restrictions Have Been Lifted! 

FINAL GM UPDATE: Tuesday, July 2, at 9 AM

Well, Folks, this is the day and this will be my last update on the tank re-coating project and its aftermath! At 8:30 AM, MCWD's tank level stood at 23.16. This is within the normal operating range, so I am lifting all restrictions. I'm very busy today but will soon put up the blue flags.

I would like to sincerely thank all those who have conserved throughout this challenging time. Small communities like Mineral's can only survive if members willingly work together to preserve social ties, resources, and infrastructure. True community spirit is what got us through this once-in-20-year event.

You are free to irrigate lawns or gardens but I hope that everyone will use outdoor water sensibly by watering before 8 AM or after 8 PM. This practice is the most efficient for plant and soil absorption, due to the high evaporation rates we experience during the hot and dry days of summer.

Click here to see the full posting that was placed on every cabin,  tips on water conservation, and a listing of approximate water usage of common appliances.

Mandatory Water Conservation 

GM UPDATE: Monday, July 1, at Noon

Things are going well with the re-filling of the tank. Thank you to all who continue to conserve and refrain from outdoor watering today!

At 11:20 this morning, the tank level was 20 feet 9 inches. Once the tank tops 22 feet, it will be in normal operating range, and I will put up blue flags to indicate that there are no more restrictions on use. If folks are careful to conserve today, this could occur as soon as tomorrow morning. I appreciate everyone who is helping us to reach this goal!

Yellow flags at subdivision entrances indicate that mandatory conservation is still in effect at 200 gallons per day per residence.

I expect more folks than usual here throughout the coming days, since the holiday falls near mid-week and temperatures in the Valley are so high. If you must irrigate lawns or gardens between now and July 8th, please use outdoor water sensibly by watering before 8 AM or after 8 PM. Also, you really should check your meter to make sure you do not exceed 200 gallons in a single day.

Updates will continue to be available in print form at the Lodge Store and the Post Office and electronically on the Home page of until blue flags are flying.

If you have any questions, please call Jan at 530-595-3252.

GM UPDATE: Sunday, June 30, at 7:30 PM

Happy Sunday, Everyone! MCWD customers are back on the MCWD tank, and the Ranch is back on the Ranch tank!

The final meter reading has been completed for every home, except for one where a vehicle was parked on it. After the final reading, the daily maximum usage changes from 100 gallons per day to 200 gallons per day.

In order to get the jump on the coming week, I am asking one more favor from you: PLEASE DO NOT IRRIGATE ON MONDAY, JULY 1st. I will be trying desperately to raise the tank level as much as possible before more visitors arrive.

I expect more folks than usual here throughout the coming days, since the actual holiday falls near mid-week and since extremely hot weather is forecast for the Valley. If you must irrigate lawns or gardens between now and July 8th, please use outdoor water sensibly by watering before 8 AM or after 8 PM.

Yellow flags indicate that mandatory conservation is still in effect until the tank is full. Once the tank is full, blue flags will replace the yellow ones, and all restrictions will be lifted.

Updates will continue to be available in print form at the Lodge Store and the Post Office and electronically on the Home page of until blue flags are flying.

If you have any questions, please call Jan at 530-595-3252.

GM UPDATE: Sat., June 29,  at 11:15 AM

I am continuing to use both Spring #2 and filtration of Martin Creek water to keep the Ranch tank full while diverting some water into MCWD's tank. The more that people conserve, the more quickly the tank will re-fill. 

As of 9:15 AM, there was 11 feet in MCWD's tank, which has 14 more feet of capacity.

I do not yet have results for yesterday's Bac-T sample.

Thank you to all who have been diligent in conserving. Check for leaks and repair them immediately.  Feel free to call me at 530-816-2003 if you see evidence of a leak or obviously excessive water use.

Today, the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation is prohibited. Please bear in mind that I am trying to re-fill the MCWD tank while keeping the Ranch tank full and accommodating the influx of weekend visitors.

Re-using water for non-potable purposes is a great way to cut your usage. See the June 11th GM UPDATE in previous updates for tips on re-using water. 

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE: Fri., June 28,  at 3 PM

I am continuing to use both Spring #2 and filtration of Martin Creek water to keep the Ranch tank full while diverting some water into MCWD's tank. The more that people conserve, the more quickly the tank will re-fill. 

As of 8 AM, there was more than 9 1/2 feet of water in MCWD's tank, which has 15 1/2  more feet of capacity. Each foot represents roughly 13,000 gallons. \

Yesterday's Bac-T sample passed, and  today I am submitting a second one.

In the meantime, the town is still being supplied by the Ranch tank, which must be kept at or near  full in order to meet demand, provide maximum fire protection, and comply with regulatory requirements for chlorine contact time.  

Thank you to all who have been  diligent in conserving. Check for leaks and repair them immediately.  Feel free to call me at 530-816-2003 if you see evidence of a leak or obviously excessive water use.

Today the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation is prohibited. Please bear in mind that I am trying to re-fill the MCWD tank, and the more water people use, the slower this process will be.

Re-using water for non-potable purposes is a great way to cut your usage. See the June 11th GM UPDATE in previous updates for tips on re-using water. 

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE: Thurs., June 27,  at Noon

I have been using both Spring #2 and filtration of Martin Creek water to keep the Ranch tank full while diverting some water into MCWD's tank. This is a balancing act that would be much easier if demand could be lowered. The more that people conserve, the more quickly MCWD's tank will re-fill. 

At 7:00 this morning, the Ranch tank was a little more than 2,000 gallons shy of full. While the town is supplied by the Ranch tank, it must be kept at or near  full in order to meet demand, provide maximum fire protection, and comply with regulatory requirements for chlorine contact time.  

This morning, there is 6 feet of water in MCWD's tank, which has 19 more feet of capacity. Each foot represents roughly 13,000 gallons.

At the current rate of demand from the Ranch tank vs. inflow from Spring #2 and creek water filtration, it will take at least 4 more days to re-fill MCWD's tank. That is if all goes well, and there are no problems with pumps, power,  bacterial sample results, etc. 

Today, I will take a Bac-T sample to Pace Analytical. Let's hope it passes. Unfortunately, as a result of being out of town, I will not be able to run filtration and divert some of it to MCWD's tank until returning.

Please be diligent in conserving. Check for leaks and repair them immediately.  Feel free to call me at 530-816-2003 if you see evidence of a leak or obviously excessive water use.

Today the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation is allowed. However, the 100-gallon-per-day rule still applies. Please remember that I am trying to re-fill the MCWD tank, and the more water people use, the slower this process will be.

Re-using water for non-potable purposes is a great way to cut your usage. See the June 11th GM UPDATE in previous updates for tips on re-using water. 

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE: Wed., June 26,  at 11:30 AM

I am using both Spring #2 and filtration of Martin Creek water to keep the Ranch tank full while diverting some water into MCWD's tank. This is a balancing act that would be much easier if demand could be lowered. The more that people conserve, the more quickly MCWD's tank will re-fill. 

At 9:30 this morning, the Ranch tank was 8,000 gallons shy of full. Some water was diverted into MCWD's tank all day yesterday and last night, but this is tricky to do, since the Ranch tank must be kept at or near full in order to meet demand, provide maximum fire protection, and comply with regulatory requirements for chlorine contact time.  

Whenever the Ranch tank is 2 feet (8,000 gallons) down, we are halfway to a Boil Water Order.

This morning, there is 4' of water in MCWD's tank, which has 21 more feet of capacity. Each foot represents roughly 13,000 gallons.

At the current rate of demand from the Ranch tank vs. inflow from Spring #2 and creek water filtration, it will take at least 5 more days to re-fill MCWD's tank! That is if all goes well, and there are no problems with pumps, power, etc. 

Once the tank is about 1/4 full, I will take Bac-T samples to Pace Analytical two days in a row. Let's hope they pass muster so we can switch over to MCWD's tank.

 Please be diligent in conserving. Check for leaks and repair them immediately. 

Today and tomorrow. the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation is allowed. However, the 100-gallon-per-day rule still applies. Please remember that I am trying to re-fill the MCWD tank, and the more water people use, the slower this process will be.

Re-using water for non-potable purposes is a great way to cut your usage. See the June 11th GM UPDATE in previous updates for tips on re-using water. 

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE: Tues., June 25,  at 10 AM

At 8:30 this morning, the tank was about 1,500 gallons shy of full. I ran filtration to keep up with higher-than-usual demand all day yesterday. Another leak was located late in the day, which made a big difference in the tank's recovery.

 Please be diligent in conserving. Check for leaks and repair them immediately. Should another leak run for hours, we will be right back in the same precarious situation as yesterday! We are so close to making it through this; it would be a shame if all of our conservation efforts ended up being for naught just a few days from the finish line.

Today, June 25, Superior Tank Solutions personnel have completed the disinfection of the tank. The Project Manager will arrive soon to do the final inspection.

I have begun re-filling the tank, but a sample must be taken once it is partially re-filled before the water can be used. Let's hope it passes the test! In the meantime, we are still  solely relying on the Ranch tank.

Today through Thursday. the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation is allowed. However, the 100-gallon-per-day rule still applies.

Hand-watering or washing with re-used water is acceptable at any time. See the June 11th GM UPDATE in previous updates for tips on re-using water. 

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 


The tank has recovered and is full. Also, the Superior Tank Solutions disinfection crew just arrived on site.

GM UPDATE:  Mon., June 24, at Noon

Shortly before 8 this morning, I realized that the tank was dropping rapidly. I was forced to run filtration while looking for leaks. Two leaks have been found, but for the last 2 hours, Mineral has still been using more than 24 gpm, which is well above normal use.

 Please be diligent in conserving. Check for leaks and repair them immediately. This is a very precarious situation! We are so close to making it through this; it would be a shame if all of our conservation efforts ended up being for naught just a few days before MCWD's tank begins to be re-filled.

Today, June 24, no Superior Tank Solutions personnel are on site, as the interior and exterior paint is left to cure. Tomorrow, the tank will be disinfected in preparation for re-filling. As it stands, however, if the tank had been sanitized today, I would be unable to begin refilling it, due to the current excessive demand

Today. the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation or surface washing is prohibited. This is especially important today, since it will take many hours for the tank to fully recover from the leak(s). Please call Jan at 595-3252 if you see any evidence of leaks or obvious non-essential use.

Hand-watering or washing with re-used water is acceptable at any time. See the June 11th GM UPDATE in previous updates for tips on re-using water. 

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Sun., June 23, at 3:15 PM

At 11:15 this morning, the tank was less than a foot from the top. Thank you to all who have been especially diligent in conserving water; your efforts help the tank to recover more quickly from high-demand periods!

Today, June 23, no Superior Tank Solutions personnel are on site, as the interior and exterior paint is left to cure. A different crew--the disinfection team--will arrive either tomorrow or Tuesday to prepare the tank for re-filling.

Today through tomorrow. the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation or surface washing is prohibited. Hand-watering or washing with re-used water is acceptable at any time. See the June 11th GM UPDATE in previous updates for tips on re-using water. Please call Jan at 595-3252 if you see any evidence of leaks or obvious non-essential use.

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Sat., June 22, at Noon

At 11:15 this morning, the tank was less than a foot from the top. Thank you to all who are especially diligent in conserving water today!

I believe we can make it through this weekend without a Boil Water Order if everyone conserves and refrains from non-essential water use. Please call Jan at 595-3252 if you see any evidence of leaks or obvious non-essential use.

Today, June 22, no Superior Tank Solutions personnel are on site, as the interior and exterior paint is left to cure. A different crew--the disinfection team--will arrive either Monday or Tuesday to prepare the tank for re-filling. Hang on, Good People, we are almost through the worst of this!

Today through Monday. the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation or surface washing is prohibited. Hand-watering or washing with re-used water is acceptable at any time. See the June 11th GM UPDATE in previous updates for tips on re-using water.

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Fri., June 21, at 11:45 AM

At 10:30 this morning, the tank was nearly 4,800 gallons shy of full. I hope that it will be able to recover fully for the weekend.  Tomorrow, a wedding will be held at the Ranch. Fortunately, the good folks there are accommodating guests with portable bathroom facilities and other water-saving measures, such as irrigating the lawns with ditch water.

I believe we can make it through the weekend without a Boil Water Order if everyone conserves and refrains from non-essential water use. Please call Jan at 595-3252 if you see any evidence of leaks or obvious non-essential use.

Today, June 21, Superior Tank Solutions will finish painting the tank's exterior walls while the interior continues to cure. The forecast hot, dry weather will definitely speed up that process.

Today through Monday. the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation or surface washing is prohibited. Hand-watering or washing with re-used water is acceptable at any time. See the June 11th GM UPDATE in previous updates for tips on re-using water.

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Thurs., June 20, at 11 AM

At 9:45 this morning, the tank was nearly 5,000 gallons shy of full. This does not bode well for what may be a busy weekend, due to high temperatures forecast for the Valley. In addition, there will be a wedding at the Ranch. Fortunately, the good folks there are accommodating guests with portable bathroom facilities and other water-saving measures.

I believe we can make it through the weekend without a Boil Water Order if everyone conserves and refrains from non-essential water use.

Today, June 20, Superior Tank Solutions is painting the roof and upper walls of the tank's exterior while the interior cures.

Today through Monday. the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation or surface washing is prohibited. Hand-watering or washing with re-used water is acceptable at any time. See the June 11th GM UPDATE in previous updates for tips on re-using water.

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Wed., June 19, at 11:45 AM

At 10:30 this morning, the tank was 3/4 of a foot from full, or 1,000 gallons from the top. Thanks to all who continue to conserve!

Today, June 19, the Project Manager from Superior Tank Solutions inspected the last 6 feet of wall and the floor for imperfections. These spots have been re-coated, and now the tank must dry. It will take 4-5 days for the entire interior to cure. If all goes as planned, by Tuesday the 25th, STS will disinfect the tank.  In the meantime, the exterior is being pressure-washed with non-potable water from Spring #1 in preparation for hand-sanding.

Today through tomorrow, the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation is acceptable. Hand-watering or washing with re-used water is acceptable at any time. See previous updates for tips on re-using water.

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Tuesday, June 18, at 7:45 PM

Yesterday, the tank fully recovered from the weekend. Thanks to all in Mineral and the Ranch who are conserving so diligently!

Today, June 18, Superior Tank Solutions removed scaffolding from inside the tank and painted the floor. Fans are running to dry it.

Today through Thursday, the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation is acceptable. Hand-watering or washing with re-used water is acceptable at any time. See previous updates for tips on re-using water.

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Monday, June 17, at 9:45 AM

At 8:30 this morning, the Ranch tank level was down a foot--about 4,000 gallons. This appears to be the typical pattern following a weekend. Thank you for being especially diligent in conserving today in order for the tank to recover.

Today, June 17, Superior Tank Solutions is vacuuming remaining debris from the tank floor, removing scaffolding, and painting the floor.

The use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation is prohibited today. Hand-watering or washing with re-used water is acceptable at any time. See previous updates for tips on re-using water.

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Sun., June 16, at 10:45 AM

Happy Father's Day to friends, neighbors, and visitors to Mineral!

At 10:00 this morning, the Ranch tank level was down a bit--about 2,000 gallons shy of full--following peak use this morning. It is now recovering. Thank you for being especially diligent in conserving this weekend.

Today, June 16, Superior Tank Solutions is touching up all painted surfaces and will be priming the floor as scaffolding is removed.

Today and tomorrow. the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation is prohibited. Hand-watering or washing with re-used water is acceptable at any time. See previous updates for tips on re-using water.

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Sat., June 15, at 11 AM

At 10:00 this morning, the Ranch tank level was at its lowest since Monday the 10th following the first full weekend of restrictions. Apparently, more people are visiting this weekend than last--perhaps due to GreenWaste's bin placement for community yardwaste clean-up. Thank you for being especially diligent in conserving this weekend.

Today, June 15, Superior Tank Solutions is removing debris from the tank's floor. Next, they will inspect the interior roof and walls that have been painted for flaws. If all is well, they will remove the scaffolding and begin priming the bottom of the walls and the floor.

Today through Monday. the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation is prohibited. Hand-watering or washing with re-used water is acceptable at any time. See previous updates for tips on re-using water.

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Friday, June 14, at 10:30 AM

At 10:00 this morning, the Ranch tank was nearly full, Thanks to all who are conserving in Mineral and at the Ranch!

Today, June 14, Superior Tank Solutions is beginning to apply the finishing coat from the interior roof down the walls to about 3 feet from the floor of the 26-foot-tall tank.

Today through Monday. the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation is prohibited. Hand-watering or washing with re-used water is acceptable at any time. See previous updates for tips on re-using water.

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Thurs., June 13, at  3:30 PM

At 9:40 this morning, the Ranch tank was nearly full, Thanks to all who are conserving in Mineral and at the Ranch!

Today, June 13, Superior Tank Solutions finished priming the interior roof and down the walls about 3 feet. This afternoon, they are staging equipment and cleaning up around the tank in preparation for tomorrow.

Today the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation and limited outside surface washing (no pressure washing or driveway cleaning!) is permitted, but tomorrow through Monday, it will once again be prohibited.

Mineral's water consumption peaks from 8 AM to 10 AM and from 5 PM to 8 PM, so it is best to irrigate by (or before) 7 AM or after 8 PM to even out overall demand. This pattern lessens surges in typical domestic use AND allows plants to absorb water more efficiently.

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Wed., June 12, at  1:30 PM

At 9:20 this morning, the Ranch tank was nearly full, Thanks to all who are conserving in Mineral and at the Ranch!

Today, June 12, Superior Tank Solutions is priming the interior roof.

Today and tomorrow, the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation and limited outside surface washing (no pressure washing or driveway cleaning!) is permitted. Please track your total usage and try to even it out over these three days, since the Ranch tank level is subject to sudden drops, due to its small size.

Mineral's water consumption peaks from 8 AM to 10 AM and from 5 PM to 8 PM, so it is best to irrigate by (or before) 7 AM or after 8 PM to even out overall demand. This pattern lessens surges in typical domestic use AND allows plants to absorb water more efficiently.

The red flags indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons (13 cubic feet) per day.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Tuesday, June 11, at  10:15 AM

At 8:20 this morning, the Ranch tank level was near the top, having recovered fully from weekend demand overnight. Thanks to all who are conserving!

Today, June 11, Superior Tank Solutions has already completed sandblasting of the tank's interior roof and walls down to 3 feet above the floor. They are now blowing off the debris. which consists of the original coating, rust, and the sand itself. Once this area is cleared, priming begins.

Today through Thursday, the use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn or garden irrigation and limited outside surface washing (no pressure washing or driveway cleaning!) is permitted. Please track your total usage and try to even it out over these three days, since the Ranch tank level is subject to sudden drops, due to its small size.

Mineral's water consumption peaks from 8 AM to 10 AM and from 5 PM to 8 PM. For example, this morning from 8 AM to 8:20 AM, the town used 1,000 gallons. That is 50 gallons per minute, which is 32 gallons per minute more than Spring #2 is producing. Over the next 3 or 4 hours, the tank recovers its level. The whole cycle begins again in the late afternoon. Conclusion? It is best to irrigate by (or before) 7 AM or after 8 PM to even out overall demand. This pattern both accommodates typical surges in domestic use AND allows plants to absorb water more efficiently, due to cooler temperatures.


Tips for those 4 days we all dread:

2.  Save water that would have gone down the drain in the course of normal  indoor use in a bucket. This water has already been recorded as usage. RE-USING IT for whatever purpose is acceptable.

Example:  You want to take a hot shower. Cold water will come out of the tap first. Put a bucket under the bathtub faucet and collect water until it is the temperature you want. This water would have simply gone down the drain because you did not want to take a cold shower. Use water from the bucket for plants, toilet flushing, or any other purpose. This can be done on ANY day as part of your conservation practices. 


The Battle Creek Meadow Ranch tank holds only 15.5% as much as the MCWD tank, but it is currently the only source of potable water for both Mineral and the Ranch, which is also restricting use.

The red flags at all entrances to Mineral indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons per day, which is 13 cubic feet.  Outdoor water usage is discouraged during this time; but outdoor watering is prohibited from Friday through Monday.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Monday, June 10, 2024  10:30 AM

At 9:45 this morning, the Ranch tank was down about 1/2 foot (~2,000 gallons), which is to be expected, since weekend use was higher than mid-week use.  The tank level is expected to recover today. Thanks to all who are conserving!  We've made it  through the first weekend of this critical conservation period.

Today, June 10, the Superior Tank Solutions Project Manager has inspected the tank's interior and indicated several spots that need more sandblasting. Once the sandblasting is completed, the next step is debris removal.

Today, use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn irrigation, outside surface washing, etc. is prohibited.  Tomorrow through Thursday this prohibition will be lifted.

Tips for those 4 days we all dread:

2.  Save water that would have gone down the drain in the course of normal  indoor use in a bucket. This water has already been recorded as usage. RE-USING IT for whatever purpose is acceptable.

Example:  You want to take a hot shower. Cold water will come out of the tap first. Put a bucket under the bathtub faucet and collect water until it is the temperature you want. This water would have simply gone down the drain because you did not want to take a cold shower. Use water from the bucket for plants, toilet flushing, or any other purpose. This can be done on ANY day as part of your conservation practices. 


The Battle Creek Meadow Ranch tank holds only 15.5% as much as the MCWD tank, but it is currently the only source of potable water for both Mineral and the Ranch, which is also restricting use.

The red flags at all entrances to Mineral indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons per day, which is 13 cubic feet.  Outdoor water usage is discouraged during this time; but outdoor watering is prohibited from Friday through Monday.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. Tonight at 6:30 PM MCWD will hold its monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the District's building at 38292 Scenic Avenue.

GM UPDATE:  Sunday, June 9, 2024  9:30 AM

At 8:30 this morning, the Ranch tank was nearly full.  Thanks to all who are conserving!  We've made it  through another day without a Boil Water Order.

Today, June 9, the Superior Tank Solutions crew has decided to forego a day off in order to continue sand-blasting the tank's interior, since the Project Manager will inspect the first week's work tomorrow. Once the sandblasting is completed, the next step is debris removal.

Today through tomorrow, use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn irrigation, outside surface washing, etc. is prohibited.  Here's a handy tip for getting through these 4-day periods:

Save water that would have gone down the drain in the course of normal  indoor use in a bucket. This water has already been recorded as usage. RE-USING IT for whatever purpose is acceptable.

Example:  You want to take a hot shower. Cold water will come out of the tap first. Put a bucket under the bathtub faucet and collect water until it is the temperature you want. This water would have simply gone down the drain because you did not want to take a cold shower. Use water from the bucket for plants, toilet flushing, or any other purpose. This can be done on ANY day as part of your conservation practices. 

The Battle Creek Meadow Ranch tank holds only 15.5% as much as the MCWD tank, but it is currently the only source of potable water for both Mineral and the Ranch, which is also restricting use.

The red flags at all entrances to Mineral indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons per day, which is 13 cubic feet.  Outdoor water usage is discouraged during this time; but outdoor watering is prohibited from Friday through Monday.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Saturday, June 8, 2024  9:30 AM

At 8:30 this morning, the Ranch tank was nearly full.  Thanks to all who are conserving!  We've made it  through another day without a Boil Water Order.

Today, June 8, Superior Tank Solutions continues sand-blasting the tank's interior in preparation for re-coating. They will take a well-deserved day off tomorrow.

Today through Monday, use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn irrigation, outside surface washing, etc. is prohibited. 

Here's a handy tip for getting through these 4-day periods:

Save water that would have gone down the drain in the course of normal  indoor use in a bucket. This water has already been recorded as usage. RE-USING IT for whatever purpose is acceptable.

Example:  You want to take a hot shower. Cold water will come out of the tap first. Put a bucket under the bathtub faucet and collect water until it is the temperature you want. This water would have simply gone down the drain because you did not want to take a cold shower. Use water from the bucket for plants, toilet flushing, or any other purpose. This can be done on ANY day as part of your conservation practices. 

The Battle Creek Meadow Ranch tank holds only 15.5% as much as the MCWD tank, but it is currently the only source of potable water for both Mineral and the Ranch, which is also restricting use.

The red flags at all entrances to Mineral indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons per day, which is 13 cubic feet.  Outdoor water usage is discouraged during this time; but outdoor watering is prohibited from Friday through Monday.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Friday, June 7, 2024  10:30 AM

At 9:00 this morning, the Ranch tank was nearly full. Thanks to all who are conserving!  We've made it  through another day without a Boil Water Order.

Today, June 7, Superior Tank Solutions continues sand-blasting the tank's interior in preparation for re-coating.

Today through Monday, use of hoses and sprinklers for lawn irrigation, outside surface washing, etc. is prohibited.   Here's a handy tip for getting through these 4-day periods:

Save water that would have gone down the drain in the course of normal  indoor use in a bucket. This water has already been recorded as usage. RE-USING IT for whatever purpose is acceptable.

Example:  You want to take a hot shower. Cold water will come out of the tap first. Put a bucket under the bathtub faucet and collect water until it is the temperature you want. This water would have simply gone down the drain because you did not want to take a cold shower. Use water from the bucket for plants, toilet flushing, or any other purpose. This can be done on ANY day as part of your conservation practices. 

The Battle Creek Meadow Ranch tank holds only 15.5% as much as the MCWD tank, but it is currently the only source of potable water for both Mineral and the Ranch, which is also restricting use.

The red flags at all entrances to Mineral indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons per day, which is 13 cubic feet.  Outdoor water usage is discouraged during this time; but outdoor watering is prohibited from Friday through Monday.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Thursday, June 6, 2024  10:30 AM

At 10:00 this morning, the Ranch tank was full. Thanks to all who are conserving!  We've made it  through another day without a Boil Water Order.

Today, June 6, Superior Tank Solutions continues sand-blasting the interior of the 324,000-gallon tank in preparation for re-coating it.

The Battle Creek Meadow Ranch tank holds only 15.5% as much as the MCWD tank, but it is currently the only source of potable water for both Mineral and the Ranch, which is also restricting use.

The red flags at all entrances to Mineral indicate that residences should use no more than 100 gallons per day, which is 13 cubic feet.  Outdoor water usage is discouraged during this time; but outdoor watering is prohibited from Friday through Monday.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period. 

GM UPDATE:  Monday, June 3, 2024

The red flags at all entrances to Mineral indicate that mandatory water conservation is now in effect for Mineral County Water District customers. On Sunday, June 2nd, customer meters were read.

Residences should use no more than 100 gallons per day, which is 13 cubic feet.  Outdoor water usage is discouraged during this time. But outdoor watering is prohibited from Friday through Monday. 

Superior Tank Solutions is transporting equipment and staging today, June 3rd, while the District's 324,000-gallon tank interior dries after it was drained last night. The tank will be completely offline this month for re-coating.

The Battle Creek Meadow Ranch tank, which holds only 15.5% as much as the MCWD tank, is now supplying potable water needs for Mineral and the Ranch, which is also restricting use.

Homeowners expecting guests should emphasize to them how critical conservation is during this period.  Flyers have been posted on every cabin.

For more details, tips on conservation, and a listing of common appliance water usage, click here.

Important - Mandatory Water Conservation During June 2024 for All Residents

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