Public Health

COVID-19 Data Update - August 15, 2020

Tehama County

Totals to Date

318 Confirmed Positives

275 Recovered

41 Active in Isolation

1 Death

1 Currently Hospitalized


7,231 Negative Tests

Of the Positive Tests to Date

318 Confirmed Positives

237 Symptomatic

78 Asymptomatic

3 Unknown

Last 14 Days

85 Cases

0 Deaths

Elevated Disease Transmission


The watch list threshold for 7 day average positivity rate is greater than 8%.

Tehama County has an average positivity rate for a 7 day average of 16%.

The watch list threshhold for case rate per population (actual / per 100,000 in the last 14 days) is greater than 100.

During the last 14 days, Tehama County has an average case rate per population of 131.

Demographics of Positive Cases

More than half (56%) of the cases are aged 20-39; 10-19.

Aged 20-29 - 68

Aged 30-39 - 57

Aged 10-19 - 54

Aged 50-59 - 48

Aged 40-49 - 34

Younger than 10 - 27

Aged 60-69 - 19

Aged 70-29 - 10

Aged 80-89 - 1


The watch list status is used as an indicator to advise government officials in determining what can be opened and what should be closed. The following are not currently open.

As of July 13, 2020, it was expected that these closures would remain in place for three weeks, however the closure requirement has been extended.

A July 24th clarification reiterated that closures remain in place.

Concert Venues

Bars, Brewpubs, Breweries

Cardrooms (Indoors)

Dine-In Restaurants (Indoors)

Family Entertainment (Indoors)

(Bowling Alley, Arcades)


Higher Education

Live Audience Sports

Live Theaters

Lounges & Night Clubs

Movie Theaters

Playgrounds / Skate Parks


Spas, Saunas, Steam Rooms

Theme Parks

Zoos, Museums (Indoors)

COVID-19 Data Update - July 25, 2020

COVID-19 Test Positives Increased; Still No Related Hospitalizations & Forecast Decreased

July 23, 2020 - Two weeks after the 30-day forecast of 26 hospitalizations, Tehama County has no Covid-19 disease hospitalizations in its 76 available hospital beds. The 30-day forecast has been reduced to 11 hospitalizations.

There are 155 positive cases in Tehama County, half men and half women. Sixty percent of the cases are 18-49 years old. Fifty-six of the cases are Latino.

The current daily positivity rate is 3.3% and the 14-day change is an increase of 55%.

COVID-19 Hospitalizations Continue to Grow in California; Tehama County Forecasts 26 Hospitalizations During Next 30 Days

July 8, 2020 - As eager as we all are to get back to community events and shopping in neighboring communities, it is more important than ever to take precautions. Social distancing, hand washing and mask wearing continue to be the most effective prevention against illness. Find the latest Stay Home Orders here.

As testing throughout California increases, the number of positive cases continue to increase. Tehama County has reported 95 positive cases. An increase of positive cases can be accounted for by an increase in testing. However, a continued and stable increase in the number and rate of hospitalizations can only be accounted for by an increase in community spread. Unfortunately, California is seeing this community spread growth. See California statistics here.

Tehama County is seeing continued, stable growth of cases of COVID-19. Fortunately, Tehama County is not currently seeing an increase in hospitalization rates and has no current confirmed COVID-19 hospitalizations.

See below for the latest short-term forecasts, based on current daily hospitalizations. Even though Tehama County has no confirmed cases of COVID-19 currently in hospital beds, the official forecasts based on current testing estimates 26 hospitalizations and 16 deaths by the first week of August. California forecasts 16,572 hospitalizations for the same time period.

COVID-19 Testing

Wash Your Hands, Stay in Place, Maintain Your Space and Cover Your Face

PSA CoronaVirus 20 06-16-2020 Update eng sp Final.pdf

How Does the Molecular Test Work?

The molecular test utilizes the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, which greatly amplifies sequences of viral/bacterial RNA. PCR testing does not indicate whether or not a person has developed antibodies to a virus. It is only being used to diagnose an active infection.

Kary Mullis, an American biochemist who died August 7, 2019, invented PCR in 1985 while working for Cetus Corporation in Emeryville, California.

Accuracy. Because the test is so sensitive, it may give a false positive by detecting non-targeted genetic sequences of viral/bacterial RNA. The test may give a false negative for someone who has very recently been infected. For a full analysis of the issue of accuracy with SARS-coV-2 testing, see Forbes magazine, "This Is How 'False Positives' And 'False Negatives' Can Bias COVID-19 Testing" here.

On Monday, June 15th, Tehama County Public Health provided free molecular testing for SARS-coV-2 from 10 AM to 2 PM

Testing took place on the lawn in front of the Administrative building at Lassen Volcanic National Park's Headquarters, 38050 Hwy. 36 E. No appointment was necessary.

Testing was voluntary, and recipients were be required to complete and sign a consent form. If you would like, you may download the consent form by clicking here.

Get Tested June 15th.pdf

Tehama County Health Services Agency

Visit the Tehama County Health Services Agency website's News page for the latest public health updates.

COVID-19 Updates

Calendar of Events

Emergency Preparedness

Tehama County Health Services Agency Public Health

Dr. Richard Wickenheiser, Health Officer


Phone: (530) 527-6824

Fax: (530) 527-0362
