Amanda Way Trail

Amanda Way Trail Phase 2 Clean-up Volunteer Project

A 6-cubic-yard dumpster will be on the property July 14th through July 16th, and we plan to be there transferring remaining ground debris into it from about 8:30 a.m. to Noon and 4:00-7:00 p.m. each day.

No one needs to bring any tools, but a pick-up truck, light-weight trash cans, and a few tarps would come in handy. Phase 2 will be primarily about loading fuels that have already been consolidated into the dumpster--not raking or lollipopping. A 3" chipper on hand so that some of the fuel can remain as mulch scattered throughout the property.

To participate, contact Jan at and indicate which session/s are best for you to join and help remove fire fuels into the green waste dumpster.

Amanda Way Trail Phase 1 Clean-up: A Huge Success!

Re-posted with corrections 6/20/2020 at 12:06 p.m.

To the 28 people who made the Amanda Way Trail Clean-up Day on June 18th possible, THANK YOU! The event was a complete success for both community building and conservation! Everyone truly enjoyed taking part in the event, and the large lot behind the Amanda Way gate was completely transformed. Check for event photos, as well as before-and-after pictures, in the next few days.

How did this come about? Eric and Alethia Jablonowski, who have a home in Stringtown, are the owners of Nor-Cal Tree Experts. They love working in the Mineral area and contacted Lisa and Jan about donating their services for a day in order to give back to the community. Lisa and Jan then recruited community volunteers in order to create a safe, productive, and fun event.

Eric and his crew of three hard-working, fast-moving sawyers spent a very full day cutting trees, lollipopping, and chipping literally TONS of fire fuel. Thank You, Eric, Brian, Hector, and Phillip!

Eleven community members assisted with fuel removal by lollipopping, cutting down small trees with hand tools, raking, and consolidating materials for the Nor-Cal crew to chip. Jim Richardson, who heads Mineral's Firewise Council, and Frank Johnson, who manages the property, worked alongside the other volunteers while also coordinating the team effort. Fire Management Officer from Lassen Volcanic National Park Mike Klimek shared expert advice on working safely and how to pick which trees to thin. John Frehse, General Manager of the Mineral County Water District, was prepared to provide water from the Amanda Way underground hydrant in case it was a burn day (which it was not). The rest of the volunteer crew were: Amy, Richard, Chris, Mike L., Veena, Lisa, and Jan.

Besides fuel removal, there were many more jobs to be done. Linda, Stephanie, Jo, and Lisa staffed the Information Table across from the Lodge, letting passersby know what was going on and checking in volunteers and the tools they brought to share. Cathie and Chris provided shade tents. Brandi and Wade donated a giant cooler of iced drinks from the Mineral Store, which Avery and Cash coordinated. Richard brought a 1st Aid kit. Linda and Cindy baked treats for the entire group. Alethia fed the hungry Nor-Cal crew lunch. Frank loaned a table to the break tent. Eric, Jim, Frank, Lefty, and John did a site walk-thru in May. Lisa took many photographs. The hand-washing station was located on Ralph and Carol's driveway.

Many of the volunteers said they would like to do more work like this in Mineral—not only to help avert the threat of catastrophic wildfire here, but also to enjoy camaraderie and time outdoors with other community members. If you were unable to attend this event but would like to be part of future clean-ups, please email us at

Even though the Nor-Cal crew didn't get around to cutting the dead trees next to the Post Office flag pole during the trail clean-up, Eric says it will be done sometime in the next month.

If you would like Nor-Cal Tree Expert to do work on your property, please call Eric and Alethia at 530-595-3374 as soon as possible, since their summer schedule is filling up rapidly.

Barbed wire removal

Trees Not Yet Trimmed

Trees Trimmed