What changed from V2 to V3

This page is mainly for the audience that has been using the V2.32 HUD - and will inform you about the changes when you compare V2 to V3. If you are new to Mama Allpa and have not used V2 before, skip this page.

If you have the V2 HUD in stored outfits, this link here tells you how to elegantly swap all the links in one go: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_linkreplace 

Script count and supported genitalia

Especially the female HUD has now significantly fewer scripts, 3 instead of 13. But also the male HUD has been reduced in script load. On the male HUD mainly because two brands of male genitalia ceased to exist, XCite and Aeros. Both had delivered connecting scripts - that do not work reliably any longer. Hence, the support for these two brands had to be removed.

Automatic Update of time on the female HUD

If you are offline the HUD will add the offline time on your next log in, automatically. However, you can switch that off via Assistant - My HUD - Autoupdate off. Then your HUD will count days only for the hours you are online. The pop-up asking on each log in is gone. You can control via your HUD - Status - Changelog how the update of time worked. And you can also catch up lost time with the new, speedier setting of "1 day=30 minutes"

Males and paternity test

While in V2 the male had to be around for being identified as father, they can now set their HUD to "public", which means they do not have to be present anymore at a paternity test. Whether the males want that or not is up to their discretion. The standard is "private" which is like the V2 behaviour.


Both, male and female can set their fertility from 0% to 100%. On the male HUD the option is called "spermcount". 

Partner and Add-ons

A female HUD can now set two partners. As before it is an autonomous female decision, the males won't be informed until the female tells them. The "Force"-Add on has been renamed to "Poly". Further, every add on is now available for male and female HUD. What they do particularly please read in the add on pages.


Both HUDs can now be set up to give traits to possible off-spring. Here: hair, skin, and eye-color. If parents with different traits mate the offspring will inherit a combination.

Mating and contraceptives

Female HUDs can open to more than one partner, simultanously. "Cheating condoms" have been removed. Pills can be started at any time during the cycle. the "second pill in storage" has been removed. Males can now set their sperm-count and females their fertility individually.


The way how to conceive has been enitely reworked and takes now an approach that is a lot more sophisticated. While in V2 a scenario was "Mating - scanning - confirming pregnancy on the spot" - this does not work any longer on V3. In V3 all encounters during one female menstrual cycle are stored until day 25. On day 25 then the pregnancy will be set. Various factors come into play, like the day of the mating, the fertility rate of the female and the spermcount of the man. 


the female belly grows. no additional products needed. the belly growth can be chosen of from two sizes, standard and big, because not all mesh bodies render "big" really pretty. Alternatively you can switch off the belly growth if you rather rely on 3rd party solutions there. A daily "roleplay emote" will appear as message on your HUD.

Pregnancy Roleplay

Daily emotes will give you a guide what you could/would possibly feel at this point of your pregnancy. This feature can be enabled and disabled to your likes and allows you a more immerse experience without any third party products.

Official Mama Allpa Staff

Whenever you are nearby an official Mama Allpa Staff, your HUD will indicate it by lighting up a doctor-sign. you can then get a list of the names of the physicians nearby you.


the delivery comes now with more steps than before, is more accurate and the position of the baby during delivery can be adjusted by the menu

Logs and documentation

In V3 you have the following options to keep track of what is happening with your HUD:

Physician Bag

If you own the bag all you have to do is wear it one time while wearing the new HUD. After that, the bag is integrated in the HUD and you never need an extra attachment any longer.

Third party products for V2

They will work mostly. With two limitations: paternity tests will need an update to V3 and the "number of babies" in the pregnancy is in those older items on a generic value now. They need to be updated there too. However, standard pregnancy tests, belly-grow mechanisms, tummy talkers, genitalia, all work as before.