check and fix cycle

If you are not sure whether your menstrual cycle setting is as you want it to be, here is how you can check it and fix it:

click your HUD and select "Assistant" - "Status" - "Short".

you will get an output similar to this:

[06:03:02] Mama-Allpa (F): 

here is your overview:

Your conversion rate RL days to SL days: 1 day in SL passes in 0.500000 hours.

[06:03:03] Mama-Allpa (F: 

Your pregnancy takes 280 days from day 1.

Your current day within your cycle is day 15.593900 (this value updates every 30 minutes)

[06:03:03] Mama-Allpa (F): 

Your cycle takes 28 days.

Your fertility is at around 100 % of the species.

You have assigned yourself the species of a humanoid

In case you are pregnant or you would get pregnant your delivery would take place in around 264.406100 days in SL. That equals with your actual conversion rate 5.508461 days in RL.

The important values i have coloured for you:

280 days is the pregnancy length measured from day 1. The cycle length is 28 days, from menstruation to menstruation. These are the standard values. if your screenoutput shows different values but you wish to have a humanoid setting, then there are two ways how to fix it.

Call an expert

Mama Allpa staff can fix these settings for you. This is recommended if you want to keep other data, maybe an ongoing pregnancy or encounters. Or if you feel generally unsure about how to set up your HUD. The help is free at no costs.

Click on your HUD "Help" - "Ticket" - state that you wish to have your settings checkd and adjusted. Staff will contact you, often within 24h.

Do it yourself

After these steps your HUD will be set back to 28 days and 280 days.