the Journal

What does it do?

        It enables you to access a list of your 'encounters' using Mama Allpa.  The report shows a link to the name of the person you spent time with and other statistics relating to the 'encounter' - see below.


After purchasing the journal, installation is easy: 

See the entries

After installing the journal, you can either call it up via 

or via


Show Journal

lists your encounters.

On the female HUD: only the last 8 encounters of your current menstrual cycle

on the male HUD: only the last 8 encounters

the list

each entry gets:

you see in this screenshot a value of 2.16 which equals 216% - because both parties used the hyperfertility, so a pregnancy is guaranteed. Without that entry the likeliness would be 16% (2.16-2=0.16)

Remove entry

If after the encounter you feel that you do not want this event to be part of a possible pool of candidates, you can remove that entry. For that simply enter the unique ID. In the screenshot here that would be the "111".

Mind: on the female HUD this button is only there if you are not pregnant.