The HUD - icons explained

Above you see the HUD with all possible Icons lit up. Most Icons have similar meanings for the male and the female version. If there are differences, they will be explained.

Cycle day 3

The floating text here indicates your progress on the female HUD. Naturally the male HUD has no cycle text.

The caption above the HUD will change its color throughout your cycle:



White=days in between (follicular & luteal phase)


Venus Sign. 

Mars Sign

The Pill

You can take the pill on the male or the female HUD. It is available at no costs at the Mama Allpa Mainstore. A Teleport to the mainstore is in your HUD, under “Help”.

In Black/White it means, the pill is in store. In Color, it means, the pill is active and you have 100% protection from that moment onwards until the end of the cycle.

Men will not be fertile with an active pill for 7 RL days. 

Once you started the pill, you can delete it again any time. Fertility is restored right away.

The Condoms

Male and Female can store up to 9 condoms. They are available at no costs at the Mama Allpa Mainstore. A Teleport to the mainstore is in your HUD, under “Help”.

Before the mating is initiated, either partner can chose “with condom”. Fertility is reduced to zero for that very mating session and restored after.


Formerly known as “Force”, Poly is your tool if you like to have spontaneous encounters. Male and Female can install Poly on their HUD as Add on. A block-list is available, so you can protect yourself from abuse.


If you are pregnant, the HUD will give you for each day in your pregnancy a roleplay-helping hint. Once the Icon lights up, you can select “read notes” from your HUD menu. This option can be deactivated in the HUD if you wish. This icon is only available in the female HUD.

Mama Allpa staff

This icon lights up if official, Mama Allpa certified staff is around. You can then read their names through your HUD menu. This ensures that you have specialists helping you with your questions all around your HUD.