I am already month 2!

Hello and congratulations to your pregnancy!

A question sometimes asked is, why the month shown in the green text is "month 2" right from the start. Or, in other words "Where is my month 1?"

Here is how it is calculated:

a human pregnancy lasts 280 days. This is the gestation length. The day 1 of your pregnancy is the first day of your last menstruation. So, please read this again: the pregnancy calculation starts with day 1 of your monthly cycle, before you conceived.

All calculations start from here, in 28 day- intervals, or also sometimes called "lunar months": a lunar month has, unlike a calendar month, always 28 days. So, month 1 is the month of your conception, month 2 is the month where you realize that you are pregnant.  

If your HUD shows you that you are in month 2 then you did not miss anything. Month 1 was the month where you had your mating and conceived the baby

Congratulations again and do not forget: at any time you can in your HUD click "Help - Ticket" and inquire if you need more information!