
What does it do?

        When installed in your MA HUD it enables you to set another person  (max. two) to be your keyholder(s). They can then control various settings on your HUD and prevent you from changing them.


After purchasing Lock!, installation is easy: 

Lock is, like any add-on, available for male and female HUDs.

After Install

Under "Add ons" you will find the button "Lock"


Keyholders are those people who you trust to control your HUD - and to eventually lock you out of it even!

Managing keyholders

You can add up to two keyholders. Of course you can manage them only as long as you are not locked out.

Now this is what the keyholder sees:


If a person who made you keyholder is nearby you, you will find a button "control" in your menu

Select target

You can control one sub at a time


You can set the poly add-on (if installed), pills and condoms, HUD Speed and the fertility.

On top of that you can LOCK the HUD for the sub, they can not access their add ons any longer and can not terminate a pregnancy (if female)

When you have all done as you want, select "Close" and both your HUDs go back to the starting position

And here again the view from the locked person:

While being controlled

the menu is locked for the sub and a text indicates right on the HUD what is happening.

if the keyholder vanishes

Any official Mama Allpa Physician can unlock you. You will be able to spot them as your HUD will light up that "Rod of Asclepius" once they are nearby you.

You can also place a call for help via the Ticket system in your HUD - "Help -> Ticket" - but allow 24h for response.