How to - belly grow

Mama Allpa comes now with a belly grow option. This works well for some and less well for others. Here are the options:

First, go to Assistant - My HUD - Belly grow. You will see three options:

Belly on

This is the standard setting, working for most users

Big Belly on

This is a setting with extra large belly, but not every mesh body is looking pretty with that

Belly off

Disables the deformer. It stays off until you switch it on again - it will stay off also after relog. Use this if you are also using other deformers, for belly, hip, shoulders, thighs, whatever really and they interfere. It can happen that once you have experienced an interference there that you need to check in your viewer additionally: 

Avatar - Avatar Health - Undeform Avatar

And if it is then still stuck, the cause are your other deformers. 1x relog sets them all straight again.