How to - mate - the male HUD

Initiate the mating

As soon as a female HUD is close to you the red sign (Venus) appears on your HUD. In the standard setting you will have to wait unitl the female initiates the mating. However, there are two exceptions:

the partner

if the female nearby has set you as "partner" in their HUD you can now touch your HUD and select "OpenPartner"


if the female nearby has the "poly" add on active, you can now touch your HUD and select "OpenPoly"

In either case you still have to confirm by selecting their name - and then the connection will be set.

During the mating

As soon as the connection has been made, the Venus sign shows filled. At this point you can ejaculate inside her, using your HUD. Also, you have the following options:

Things you should keep in mind: