
What does it do?

        When installed in your MA HUD, Poly enables other people to 'open' your hud without them needing to be your 'MA partner'. It is the new name for what was previously called 'Forced'.


After purchasing poly, installation is easy: 

See the entries

After installing Poly, you can call it up via 


Poly off

the sign being grey means, the poly option is not active

Poly on

the sign being yellow means, the poly option is active

For the female HUD

If a male approaches you while you have Poly active, they can select in their menu "OpenPoly". That way they can initiate the mating, much as if you had opened to them.

For the male HUD

During mating, if you as male have poly active on your HUD, the female gets in her HUD the option "Make M cum" - that way she can make you ejaculate in her at her bidding.

Blocking access

If you wish to exclude people from using your poly, you can select the "blocked" button. Now you can add blocked, remove blocked and also see who is blocked.